Smallest Hydro System with these parts?


Active Member
Hey what is the smallest hydroponic system i can make (1-2 plants). I have:
-2 Airstones
-Air Pump
-Hydroton medium
-Net Pots
-Hydro nutes and pH modifyers

I dont want to use a water pump, if i will need to use manual labor, that is fine.


Well-Known Member
in all honesty i would just grow in soil if you are worried about a small system. its tough because you are going to need a big reservoir so that your PH and water parameters will balance off. using something very small your parameters will jump all over the place especially if you are using tupperware that is small.


Well-Known Member
get like a 3-5 gallon rubbermaid and follow a guild on making a DWC or bubbleponic. like the fellow above said such small water amounts will make it very hard to keep the nutes and ph balanced.

check our grow, we made a pretty small DWC sytem. id be possible to make one a little smaller than ours if compactness is very important


Active Member
reservoir size doesnt matter, what i'm worried about is height, because by grow box is only about 5 1/2 feet tall


Well-Known Member
ok id get a long and short res then. i've seen some that would work but they are clear so your gonna need to tape them.

what ever you get make sure its a at least 5 gallons or your gonna want to kill your self and possible your plants from needing to add water and change the water so much.


Active Member
I use a 5 gal bucket and a pump and my ph stays close to 6.4 with no problems - constant flow system one bucket and a pot full of hydrotron in the bucket - tubing throught the bottom of the pot and up - pot fits in bucket and leaves 12 inches for solution I keep another bucket with nutes mixed it it to use to top it off - I change solution by simply moving pot and pump which hangs below it to other bucket and dump old one --- how easy does it get


Well-Known Member
go with what you have man. as long as you keep the plants topped, you'll be fine. i'm using at aerogarden and have 5 small plants in it now, but it's going to be thinned to 2-3 once i start flower