smell coverage HELP PLEASE


New Member
In my basement in the back of my room there is a walk in closet if I were to grow in there seal the room off as best I could run a ozone generator and a carbon filter would my whole house smell


Active Member
prob depends on how many plants and strain your growing. Never used an ozone gen before, im sure a carbon filter thats rated for your size room would be plenty.


Doubt you would be able to smell it much further than 10 ft away as long as you ran a good carbon filter and you had more exhaust than intake power.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man a carbon filter and a solid fan/blower is really all you need, I cant smell a damn thing right outside of my grow room with .5 lb + of bud flowering on the other side of some drywall and sheets bro, you'll be good. The most of the stealth factor come from people wondering why something is blocked off or illuminated. Cover any light leaks, and make it out of the way, put a shelf or something distracting infront of it, and play some music to cover up fan noise, and as long as you dont have a really nosey fuck near by, your good to go... but any people living in any dwelling you choose to make a grow room in, will eventually find out about growing, its fact... lol at least anything substantial enough to make it worth your time and money at least...

Best thing to do in that situation (young children dont care) older ones and teens will ask questions, you can either tell them like it is, or make some bullshit up. For adults, unless its a short term house guest, your fucked. you'll have to inform them and get consent to do so... They WILL find out eventually, even if your really careful, life happens. If you do try and hide it from any adults, and they find out on accident, results may get bad. luckily you'll have a bit of time after they call the police (if they do, they suck at life) to chop every god damn thing down throw it in a bag, and leave nothing but dirt and lights n shit there, (nothing weed related, not even leaves) and haul some ass and dump it... for this reason i recommend being clendly and keeping trimmings and debris contained in a singular large trash bag.


Well-Known Member
for this reason ^ accidental police attention, its good to cultivate one or more type's of plants within any grow room... I got carrots and pumpkins for Halloween right next to my shit ;) just use your head, and make dissensions about the grow, and work while your SOBER, or if like many... as close to sober as you ever get lol.


Well-Known Member
prob depends on how many plants and strain your growing. Never used an ozone gen before, im sure a carbon filter thats rated for your size room would be plenty.
I used an ozone generator for a while. It will help keep the smell down but!!!!! OZONE IS BAD FOR YOU AND YOUR PLANTS!!! I don't use mine any more. Read up on them first from a health standpoint your health and your plants health.