Smells from street ,don’t know if it’s neighbors or me?


Well-Known Member
i just went outside today and got hit with a heavy scent of cannabis smell when I went to my friends car across the street from myself. I’m pretty sure 3/4 of the houses on my block smoke or sell or both.

At first I thought it was his car or the neighbors but then I went to go walk and get some cigarettes like 2 hours later I smelled it again and it was pretty strong.

I’m in week 3 of flower and have been turning off my fan with the light because it was easier for me setting the timer but when I noticed that, I went back inside and turned the fan on in my room.. when I got back from the cigarettes like 30 min later it still smelled, but when I went on my porch I didint smell anything and when I went inside I couldn’t reallly smell anything and I smoked like a chillum before I left. I have a phresh filter andI think that was top of the line when I bought it.

is there anyway to tell if it’s me or my neighbors? I was thinking of smoking a cigarette and walking around the block and checking again because it seems like cigarettes makes the smell of cannabis more apparent if I was “nose blind” to it .
Which ever way the wind or breeze is blowing. Look into the direction of wind and should point you in the direction of the source lol

well I might have to do a lap then. Lol

but I really don’t think it’s me because itsonly week 3 of flower and it’s only 3 plants. I can’t smell them really in the tent unless I smell my fingesafter messing with them .
Lol nightly walks are always nice or early am to follow the nose around. I highly doubt it too with only 3 and early on. Give it a few more weeks and will be game on Z) what kind of Mcdankers you working on?
Lol nightly walks are always nice or early am to follow the nose around. I highly doubt it too with only 3 and early on. Give it a few more weeks and will be game on Z) what kind of Mcdankers you working on?

I have some in-house platinum garlic right now , and I’m right at day 21. It’s starting to frost already but smell nothing like to be permeating outside I don’t think lol
You're fucking paranoid. Chill out. You can't pinpoint shit so it follows that nobody else can either. Just be cool, man.