smoking a male


hi this is my first grow and my baby turned out to be male. ive read that you can smoke the little balls of the male. but i was wondering if you wait for them to open or if you get then while they're closed?


Well-Known Member
i have smoked male top's before but usually as soon as they show and then im smoking more top's then actual pollen sacs


Well-Known Member
Guess you guy's have never smoked a top joint either huh?
I know guy's who do a smoke test to help select their males for breeding. And top's will get you buzzed.


Well-Known Member
Male plant's do contain thc, it's nothing compared to the ladies. But it's there and like i said i know guy's who do a smoke test to choose the male, so they get the more potent male of their choice.


Well-Known Member
i used to grow alot outside,the more males back then meant alot of tops.ive had friends who smoke them saying better than ragweek.i top my males to death every top thats on the plant gets taken and next week loaded with tops again.just remove pollon sacks early and regular if females are close.has got me through a dry time in my county.yes at time its hard to find around here.


Well-Known Member
Top male leaves will give you a buzz, but nothing comparable to female bud. Ive smoked males Ive grown in the past


Active Member
We tried this last week with our last destroyed male, cured it and de-stemmed it and WOW, what a waste of time. If you're hard up, go ahead but it's horrible! Like smoking oolong!
sorry, man... complete waste of time... and that's the honest truth.


Active Member
Head ache waiting to happen with hardly any buzz at all. Just don't do it. You'd be better off buying some Mexican Brown Schwag


Active Member
Males are smokable and to contain thc (it's why people usually turn them into bho and the like). The problem is it is lower in thc so you need to smoke alot more of it for the same comparison as female.


Active Member
And we never said we knew it all tristynhawk, I will be the first to admit that I do not. I am learning from so many people like you every day so don't take it that way at all, but that's the way we do learn learn, is by everyone's opinions and experience, yours included. No one on here seems to take just "ONE" person's opinion and run with it. We gather a little bit of info from many peoples trials, tests, failures and accomplishments. I value all of your input on everything I ask or post. Sorry if my post seemed like I didn't value your opinion