Smoking after wisdom teeth surgery ANY SUGGESTIONS ?

Whats goin on guys, I just got 2 wisdom teeth and 1 molar pulled 5 days ago, the doctor told me not to smoke or use a straw for 2 weeks, I was good and havent smoked or used a staw in the last 5 days, but am itching to smoke, anyone have any recomendations of safer ways to smoke, or would u suggest not even smoking ? Im guessing hitting a bong or pipe, is gona b the worst bet due to amount of suction needed. so was thinking lose joint or blunt may b the best. I also have a antibiodic mouthwash i can probly use after to keep things clean, any recomendations would be appricated, expesally info from with with experince on this subject

peace and pot !


Active Member
You run a higher risk of infection by smoking ciggs, so I would imagine the herb isn't the best idea, but honestly I would prob end up smokin' myself. Just be sure to rinse your mouth out after you smoke with your mouthwash. I know plenty of people who smoked daily after having oral surgery and they had no issues, just remember that you will run a higher risk of infection.


Well-Known Member
You run a higher risk of infection by smoking ciggs, so I would imagine the herb isn't the best idea, but honestly I would prob end up smokin' myself. Just be sure to rinse your mouth out after you smoke with your mouthwash. I know plenty of people who smoked daily after having oral surgery and they had no issues, just remember that you will run a higher risk of infection.

if ya smoke they will take at least twice as long to heal up your choice


Active Member
They're mostly referring to vacuum in your mouth - which will make you bleed. Probably a good time to hone your skills on the gravity-bong.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
five days later , ...........................who gives a shit three days the sockets are healing the pain is already gone , yes smoke up ,cheers


Well-Known Member
they tell you not to smoke because typically they are referring to tobacco smoke, which has lots of tar and nicotine, towo things that will cause inflamation, which in turn can lead to infection and more discomfort. i had all 4 out at once, surgically extracted, and i smoked a big ole fatty as soon as i got home. which was a good thing, because it knocked me out before the anesethesia wore damn that shit hurt.


Well-Known Member
I still have yet to get mine pulled but I remember a thread asking the same thing awhile back.A few members said they smoked right after they got home with no problems they just kept them covered up.
thanks for all the replys doods, i think im gona GRAV BONG it, and roll some fat easy hiting joints, and i will rinse my mouth after each session. was jus hella worried about the dry socket's peopele were talking about


Well-Known Member
The main reason you dont smoke is the vacuum it creates dry sockets, making a gravity bong is the best thing to do, thats what i did.


Active Member
The problem with smoking anything after tooth removal is the suction.It can cause something known as "dry socket".Once you've created that condition,It's hard to heal and hurts like hell. GL


Well-Known Member
Damn, I gotta go get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled in about 2 weeks. I can barley go half a day without smoking a cigg, let alone a full 24 hours. But I sappose an oral infection was never at risk. I absolutley hate the dentist. Pretty much anything associated, so I don't think I'll risk it. Is the pain realy that bad though? Did they give you anything for it?


Active Member
Ok now that your 5 days in you should be straight but i have to say smoking day of the surgery is a fucking terrible idea here is my story.

As soon as i got home from surgery I popped some tabs and started to rip the bong. Halfway through my first rip i felt this wierd liquid in my mouth and discovered it was blood. Turns out that I had sucked all 4 clots out and now the shit was bleeding like a mother fucker. Shit started to really hurt after bout 3 or 4 hours when the anisthesia (sp?) wore off. So I ended up popping 7 10mg blue watsons in about 45 minutes and had no effect even after 2 hours thats how bad that shit hurt. The other fucked up part bout this shit was i ended up getting a popcorn kernal stuck in the socket like on day 4. So I went in back to the orthodonist becasue that shit had started to hardcore hurt when I ran out of antibiotics and the guy said that it was all infected and they had to completely gas me up with nitrous and cut out a huge chunk of my gum to get back down in there and get it out. So I ended up with an easy 3 day recovery for the original surgery turn into a 2 week fiasco of pain. The worst part was that they had put me on meprozine for the pain ( demeral mixed with promethazine ) so once it was all over I had a pretty good addiction to that shit and it was just so much fun going from taking at least 4 demeral 3 or 4 times a day to getting cut off cold turkey.

So all I can say is don't fuck around with your wisdom teeth.

But hey that idea of using a grav is fucking brilliant wish I had thought of that shit.:wall:

Oh and also the thing that a buddy of mine did when he got his teeth pulled a few months later was to roll joints and smoke them through your nose. Sounds a little rought but it worked for him, same with cigs.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I was still drowsy from the anasthetics (sp. its 745am), when I lit up the first smoke...
Yeah i got the dry socket thing in the end... was no biggie, sounds worse than it is.


Active Member
This is a little late but i'm curious how all these people who can't go a day without weed managed before the surgery? My doc told me I can't smoke weed 72 hours (3 days) before my surgery or it could mess up the anesthesia. I'm getting my teeth out tomorrow at 3pm, last time I smoked was sunday night around 9pm, so it'll be more like 66 hours haha but close enough. So does that mean everyone kept smoking weed up til surgery then decided to stop?

I'm a weed smoker of 3+ years smoking at least once a day, so the past few days have been tough, mostly sleep and eating though. I"ll probably be 10 pounds lighter with barely eating 3 days before surgery and then only having soup for a week after lol.
I'm liking the smoking through the nose idea................heres a dumb question, does it matter which nostril? Or do you just alternate hah

I've got a Volcano Vaporizer as well, but vaping always drys my mouth out (i guess smoking does too) and not sure if i want to try the vape up my nose heh


Active Member
Working in the dental field I don't think it's a good idea to smoke WHATSOEVER the first 5 days. After that try to use a bowl and suck lightly. Using your muscles is what causes dry sockets. So packing cotton or anything doesn't work.
Pretty much you're fine after 5 days, wait 2 weeks for hard sucking.


Active Member
Working in the dental field I don't think it's a good idea to smoke WHATSOEVER the first 5 days. After that try to use a bowl and suck lightly. Using your muscles is what causes dry sockets. So packing cotton or anything doesn't work.
Pretty much you're fine after 5 days, wait 2 weeks for hard sucking.
what about the Nose bblzs? I would imagine if you suck through your nose either Vape or joint you're not going to be using your jaw/mouth muscles? I do'nt know all the fine mechanics of it though heh