Smoking before surgery?


Active Member
So im going in for knee surgery on the 13th, and a friend told me i shouldn't smoke before the surgery. Is this true? Or can i just not smoke a cigar?


Active Member
You shouldnt smoke before or after...ive had two knee surgerys and there no fun, but on this last one it helped me quit smoking cigs for good.


Active Member
if your going to get put under- smoking weed could react badly with the anestesia. stop smoking weed at least 24hrs before surgery(smoke all you want after!=]). cigarettes are obviously bad no matter what, ( i still smoke em tho) , nicotiene affectsthe central nervous system and having nicotiene in your system may present a similiar issue as bud, when they put you out. 24hrs is pretty much the rule as i understand, same as they tell you not to eat or drink at least 12hrs before surgery for reasons pertaining to the anesthetic. i am just an emt, and my only expiriences with surgery are as a patient; where i smoked bud the day of my surgery and a cigarette right before i went in- and it went fine, but apparently there are risks involved.


Active Member
Yer, smoking weed would be a bit stupid but smoking in general affects the healing process which is why Doctors (In the UK, anyway) won't perform operations on smokers.