Smoking fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
I wrote a post not to long ago about the smell of male plants and how it's always the same,so today for experimental purposes cut some leaves from a
few males and females and dried them under my cable box to see if it also had a different taste.I know that male plants contains very small amounts
of thc and is not even worth trying to smoke the leaves.But anyway i did in fact notice a big difference in both smell and taste.The female leaves
weren't so bad and were tolerable,but then i started smoking the males and OMFG horrible smell and too harsh to even finish smoking it,i tried 3 plants
of each sex and got the same result for each,both still have a funny smell but the males are just disgusting so disgusting that even if it had a lot of thc
i still wouldn't smoke it.Anyone else ever tried this before with both sex.

BTW i got bud i just wanted to test a theory i had and i MAY be correct,which is using senses besides but including vision to tell the sex of plants even
before flowers and i know some douche bag troll is gonna say something stupid so fuck off in advance lol


Well-Known Member
If male and female herbage smells differently..then it's possible to train a dog to smell the boys out! Hahaha!
Nice one HotShot, my first real smile of the day ;)


Well-Known Member
If male and female herbage smells differently..then it's possible to train a dog to smell the boys out! Hahaha!
Nice one HotShot, my first real smile of the day ;)
Possibly but police and people who mass produce are the people who would need it except A lot Medicinal growers who use fem seeds and like cartels who prob don't give a fuck and if they did weed them out the prices of weed goes up. I'm glad i tickled your fancy lol


Active Member
Very interesting lol.. possibly a good way to identify sex early on. I'm LOL at the preemptive fuck off to douchebagery...


Well-Known Member
I can see it now; me and my dog, travelling the world's herb plantations, weeding out the males...."Fetch!" ;)

nope! a girl....jpeg

"Nope! It's a girl..."


Active Member
HMMM now not trying to be a douce bag troll or stupid...BUT...why don't you just bump one of your other threads about this instead of making a whole new thread? Include your leaf on leaf or whatever opinion too?
Having new ideas about growing is great and I would never want to squelsh anyone's research. I'd just love to see that research.Now I (like most people) are disbelievers. So run some experaments, add pics,and show us. Keep 1 thread about it going and SHOW people that your ideas are in fact legitimate knowledge or shut up about it. Not trying to be mean just trying to keep it real. You know this thread is just going to go downhill from here and I do have to wonder if you just like creating threads to incite people and to watch threads turned into "FLAME WARS". If this is the case please don't.
Just watch the hate and discontent .......

EDIT.. gotta give you props for smoking fan leaves as research though, especally boy fan leaves.I know I could never go that far for my research...sugar leaves maybe but not fan.


Active Member
I can see it now; me and my dog, travelling the world's herb plantations, weeding out the males...."Fetch!" ;)

"Nope! It's a girl..."
LOL thats funny : )

@ hotshot ...I'm glad you posted this as new thread as I'm new here and prolly would not have stumbled apon it for some time ...

so yea back in the 'shake in your bake' days you'd get some male in your bags ...OOOO I knew it was male shit as I grew a male plant and smoked it, so I knew thats what made our baggies rank .... thank goddness for sinsemilla..... thanks for backing me up 40 years latter : )
i know some douche bag troll is gonna say something stupid so fuck off in advance lol
Ok these experiments of yours would be better if you did them "blind". If you know beforehand which sex you're smoking that's going to influence you, that's just the way the mind works. I wouldn't fault anyone for being curious and doing experiments but maybe read up on scientific method a little.


Well-Known Member
Ok these experiments of yours would be better if you did them "blind". If you know beforehand which sex you're smoking that's going to influence you, that's just the way the mind works. I wouldn't fault anyone for being curious and doing experiments but maybe read up on scientific method a little.
Thanks for the link bob,but that is no help to me since i know the sex of my plants before they show flowers,it's not a mind thing it's the truth so what im gonna do
for you is roll 2 joints and let someone try em both on video of course and they will decide.


Active Member
HMMM now not trying to be a douce bag troll or stupid...BUT...why don't you just bump one of your other threads about this instead of making a whole new thread? Include your leaf on leaf or whatever opinion too?
Having new ideas about growing is great and I would never want to squelsh anyone's research. I'd just love to see that research.Now I (like most people) are disbelievers. So run some experaments, add pics,and show us. Keep 1 thread about it going and SHOW people that your ideas are in fact legitimate knowledge or shut up about it. Not trying to be mean just trying to keep it real. You know this thread is just going to go downhill from here and I do have to wonder if you just like creating threads to incite people and to watch threads turned into "FLAME WARS". If this is the case please don't.
Just watch the hate and discontent .......

EDIT.. gotta give you props for smoking fan leaves as research though, especally boy fan leaves.I know I could never go that far for my research...sugar leaves maybe but not fan.
Ya fan leaves are nasty as shit lol