Well-Known Member

So…. One of my lollipopped plants (White Rhino) started growing little flowers at the pruned areas. (I’m not sure this is even mature enough to call a popcorn bud). I’m in week six of flower now, so these probably are less than four weeks old… Probably more like two weeks.
i’m about as green of a newbie as you can get. I don’t smoke much, and I’m here really to just learn as much as I can. Some of the posts I have read regarding popcorn buds is that they are of lower quality and really good mostly for hash or edibles. I also have encountered a few posts where people were wondering about smoking the green bud or uncured cannabis.
The consensus is, it’s horrible, grassy, harsh,… Only crazy people do this.
BUT It’s the kind of thing you’ve got to ask about, but then experiment for yourself.
this little bud is obviously very, very small, it’s way down low and hardly gets any light, and obviously not mature. Nevertheless, I plucked that little thing off and crammed it in my vaporizer. Cranked it up to about 425°, knowing that I would have to burn off the moisture. Also, knowing that that high heat would be “harsh” or irritate my throat I sucked in enough air to fill my mouth without it going into my lungs and then inhaled those little mouthfuls to try to cool things down.
It wasn’t what I would call Pleasant, but it sure wasn’t horrible either. Did irritate the throat
I smoked it at about 9:10 AM. At about 9:15 AM, I would say I had a little bit of a beer buzz going, and thought that would be all I would get from it. At 9:30 AM, I was pretty Flippin high. It’s 12 o’clock noon now and I would say I’m kind of coming down.
Just to be clear, I would be high for most of the day if I smoked 1/3 g of the good stuff. Smoking a little bit of shoe leather would probably get me high.
The point I am trying to make here is that, as a newbie, it’s great to have a wonderful resource like this forum for advice, but nothing compares to your own experimentation and experience.
thank you all for all the help I ever received from this forum so far!