Smoking the yellow leaves of Autumn


New Member
OK: Have checked the "welcome new members" thread, and it seems like I can start a new thread...I originally posted this in another thread about yellow leaves...

So, my name is Fish, and I have a question for the Forum.
All answers welcomed, even from the lunatics and trolls, but preferably from a sane admin/mod type.

So, my initial post/question was going to be based on whether the yellow autumn shade leaves are OK to smoke as a tobacco substitute.
We have collected the outdoor yellow shade leaves for a few years now, and smoke them as "tobacco".

It started a few years ago now.
My wife wanted to quit smoking tobacco but found she needed that nicotine/caffeine boost to...well, help her out in the morning time with her ablutions, etc.
So I suggested the shade leaves, but they were still green at that time, and the "green" taste of dried shade leaves is gross, and stinks worse than tobacco, and is much more noticeable, as it smells like what people think "weed" smells like, so a No-No on all counts.

I then figured I would collect the yellow shade leaves from outdoors ( I have previously used them as compost ) and see if we could dry them with the same principle of tobacco growers...which is to wait for the leaves to get yellow and then dry them.

So I collected the yellow leaves, just the leaves, not the stems, and dried them. Snipped the stem off with my fingers whilst harvesting. ( see pic., I hope )

The result is a very smooth smoke, which doesn't "smell" of weed.
Doesn't get you high, but it has helped my wife stop smoking tobacco, and keeps her regular.

Also, when we go out somewhere public where a pipe is frowned upon, a cigarette filled with the yellow shade leaves, and a bit of a nugget, and flavoured with menthol, is unrecognizable from a "normal" menthol cigarette, and gets you stoned.

Another point, I am "internet-retarded", so if anyone spots a silly, stupid, or down-right moronic mistake, please mention it. I will hopefully see it as a lesson learned.


I was going to post a picture of the resin on my fingers from just removing the leaves this morning, but then realised that posting a pic. of my finger-prints on an internet pot-forum was probably not a good idea.

Also, am I allowed to say "retarded" now'

If not, sorry.
I am old, and obviously I do smoke marijuana.

Please forgive any unintentional errors on my part.

