Smoking While Preggers


New Member
Does anyone know if it really hurts the baby at all? I hear from some people that it is dangerous, while other people say it doesn't affect the baby. Has there ever been any serious studies done to prove this?

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
IMO anything the mom ingests .... the baby ingests. If cigarette smoke gets to the baby then I'd say MJ smoke gets to the baby too.

I guess the question is: would you take a hit of mj and then blow it in an infants face (in the same fashion used to get pets high)? If the answer is no, then I'd say smoking mj while pregnant is essentially the same thing.

My sister smoked weed the first few weeks of her pregnancy.... because she didn't know she was pregnant. She stopped the minute she found out. Her daughter was born without any problems.


Well-Known Member
Whew... ok, here goes. I smoked when I was pregnant with #2. Not a lot, but there were times when, with one toddler already, I just really needed to chill. He's a Touretter, and I almost didn't get him out of the hospital because since I'd told the docs that I was partying HARD up until I found out I was pregnant (not a daily thing, just some weekends, I was a stay-at-home mom after all, but there was that weekend that I actually got pregnant with him, hoo boy what a weekend that was!) they would not release the baby until they collected enough urine to test him. A nurse finally tipped me off to what was happening and I called my husband and said come get me outta here.

So, the Tourette's kid is also ADHD, and he has some learning disabilities. So does his older brother, a high-functioning autistic, during whose pregnancy I wouldn't even take aspirin, let alone smoke. The Tourette's kid, it turns out, has a double genetic whammy so to speak, his dad twitches and half my family on my mom's side twitches (I grew up thinking everyone had weird movements and noises they like to make). No one has said that the pot I smoked during the last two trimesters had anything to do with his disorder. But, as a parent, it sure makes you question yourself.

The problem is that there is no research, no good, unbiased research, that I know of that addresses this question. We know how wine, beer, hard liquor, coke and heroin all affect the unborn fetus, we know pretty damn well. But pot? Especially now that it's been discovered that THC may have anti-cancer properties... who knows?

I suggest you take it easy, though, because if there is something wrong with the baby, you may never be able to forgive yourself. Sad, but true.


Well-Known Member
The thc may not be all that bad however when you smoke you get tons of other crap in the smoke. wich im sure is no good for us let alone a fetus. thats why they say its better to vape than smoke. Im not a doctor but I do play one on the internet.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Would you let your toddler smoke weed like this chick? 25 Year Old Woman Convicted of Giving Toddler Marijuana - Associated Content

If not then I don't see how you would justify letting your fetus smoke via your body.

The other week while in TX on a business trip I saw a girl (I guessed to be about 18-20 years old) about 8 months pregnant smoking a cigarette. Everyone who passed her (including me) shot her dirty glances and she was loudly making jokes about how bad she was for smoking while pregnant. Made me sick!

We all have personal choices to make.... I happen to think children and infants should not be exposed to MJ, tobacco, alcohol or other drugs. They have plenty of time when they grow up to decide if they want to use those things.

If I were hanging out with a pregnant friend and she blazed up.... it would make me sick to my stomach..... I'd have to leave....that's not someone I want to be around.


Well-Known Member
IMO anything the mom ingests .... the baby ingests. If cigarette smoke gets to the baby then I'd say MJ smoke gets to the baby too.

I guess the question is: would you take a hit of mj and then blow it in an infants face (in the same fashion used to get pets high)? If the answer is no, then I'd say smoking mj while pregnant is essentially the same thing.

My sister smoked weed the first few weeks of her pregnancy.... because she didn't know she was pregnant. She stopped the minute she found out. Her daughter was born without any problems.
you wouldn't give a baby a coca-cola but i think it's safe for mom to have one here and there while carrying. i'm just saying. :mrgreen::peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Well many doctors will tell you it is okay to have a glass of wine or beer a day while pregnant, do you think this is okay? I am a daily smoker and have been for years. Before I was pregnant I smoked cigarettes too. As soon as I found out, I quite the cigs all together. However I still smoked a few tokes here and there while pregnant. Not daily or but any means the amount I normally smoke, like a couple hits on a Saturday night or something. During the 6th month of pregnancy when she turned in me, it pinched my sciatica nerve and forever damaged it. For those of you that can relate, that pain is terrible. A nice toke would ease that for me if it got too bad.
My daughter has no problems what so ever, in fact her kindergarten teacher advised us at the beginning of the school year she should be in grade 1 all ready. She is advanced for her age and a lefty. Maybe it has advantages, there is no definite research done on this to tell us.
I am not telling people to go out and smoke it up while pregnant, it is a personal choice.
I personally feel it is no where near as bad for you as a glass of wine or beer a day.
To each their own. :mrgreen::peace:
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Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
you wouldn't give a baby a coca-cola but i think it's safe for mom to have one here and there while carrying. i'm just saying. :mrgreen::peace:

LOL... well I don't equate a drug to a soft drink. I don't know why a mom would choose to give her fetus mj. Personally I think it's pretty selfish to smoke mj just so she can be "high". Whatever she puts in her body goes to her fetus... PERIOD! If I were pregnant it would be harder for me to give up Sushi then mj..... but still.... I would do it because it is the best choice for the baby.

If she's battling nausea I'd hope she tried everything else first and consulted with her doctor before turning to mj. I'd also think they would choose a strain with as little THC as possible to battle the nausea as that is the goal... I don't know if eating it is any better then smoking it... I guess the doctor would know.

Again... personal choices.... we all have to make them. I'm just stating my opinion.


Well-Known Member

LOL... well I don't equate a drug to a soft drink. I don't know why a mom would choose to give her fetus mj. Personally I think it's pretty selfish to smoke mj just so she can be "high". Whatever she puts in her body goes to her fetus... PERIOD! If I were pregnant it would be harder for me to give up Sushi then mj..... but still.... I would do it because it is the best choice for the baby.

If she's battling nausea I'd hope she tried everything else first and consulted with her doctor before turning to mj. I'd also think they would choose a strain with as little THC as possible to battle the nausea as that is the goal... I don't know if eating it is any better then smoking it... I guess the doctor would know.

Again... personal choices.... we all have to make them. I'm just stating my opinion.

caffine is an addictive drug. unlike marijuana. just sayin'. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
i was at a friends house when his mom admitted to "partying" a little while he was in the womb. she drank beer before she knew she was pregnant and smoked weed a tiny bit after that and he came out fine. hes ugly. but he isnt mental or anything.


Well-Known Member
you have receptors in your brain that only respond to thc. why would you have those if it was a bad thing to ingest? I'm not saying smoke an eighth a day but a couple hits here and there isn't gonna hurt any thing.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
caffine is an addictive drug. unlike marijuana. just sayin'. :mrgreen::peace:

My argument for not using mj while pregnant is not about the fear of having an addicted baby. It's about feeding your fetus a drug. Would you condone blowing mj smoke up a 2 month old baby's nose to get them high? If not then why would you condone getting them high in utero?

For the record, I do agree about the soda thing... most pregnant woman I know who drink an occasional soda are drinking ones like 7-up.... which is caffine free.

As to the wine and/or beer thing.... well I wouldn't do that either. I wouldn't feed an infant alcohol.... so I wouldn't feed a fetus alcohol either. That would just be my choice.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
My argument for not using mj while pregnant is not about the fear of having an addicted baby. It's about feeding your fetus a drug. Would you condone blowing mj smoke up a 2 month old baby's nose to get them high? If not then why would you condone getting them high in utero?

For the record, I do agree about the soda thing... most pregnant woman I know who drink an occasional soda are drinking ones like 7-up.... which is caffine free.

As to the wine and/or beer thing.... well I wouldn't do that either. I wouldn't feed an infant alcohol.... so I wouldn't feed a fetus alcohol either. That would just be my choice.

And aren't we all glad we have the freedom to make our own choices? :mrgreen::peace: