Snow Ryder Grow Log :) First Grow

Snow Ryder,

Hello there, Thanks for looking in, any comments or help would be appreciated :)

As you may or not have noticed I have been mooching roung the forums for a while and asking a few questions, also checking out a few other forums too. I did an outdoor grow a few years back, however I didn't put it too much effort so didn't get too much in return.

I decided a small indoor grow was Ideal, but I also noted that I am a very unreliable pot head, Switching Light Cycles?! Hydro?! Waiting?! Its all very easy I know however, I really dislike waiting, and love minimal effort :), An auto flowering strain was the best choice and with a little help from a friend "Mr Bond :D" I could make it happen.
I loved Snow-white the second I got to the dam, It's my best smoke, and as soon as I heard about Snowryder I had to get a grow going.

I did a fair bit of reading and did give the JointDoctors Lowryder grow guide a good look over. However this failed to answer a good amount of my questions, Mainly questions to do with Nutes and Lighting, after doing a fair amount of reading and looking at other peoples logs I noted that Ideal light would be 18/6 I feel its a fair amount of light, and keeps the bills lower. As far as nutes go


1 x 400w HPS "Grolux" (With Cool Tube*) with Ballast
5 x 10 Litre pots
1 x 50 Litre Bag o' coco
1 x 1 Litre Of Bio Bizz Grow
1 x 1 Litre Of Bio Bizz Bloom
1 x Grow tent **
5 x Snowryder Beans ( Got some extras free :) )
1 X Extension Lead
1 X Timer

Sorry the pics are so awful, Slightly drunk, and baked. Nightmare.

* Some cool tube it turned out to be.. see pics futher on
** Too mashed to get dimension now/memo to self, edit this



I didn't take any pics here, I think you all know what pots of soil look like so I thought I'd spare you the photos.
4/5 have came up so far :D Good result.

I planted them into there final homes straight away, 10litre pots,I did this for a few reasons, I'm lazy remember? I didn't want the hassle of having to repot, and its less shit I have to buy. Bonus. The other reason I planted them straight into the big pots is that after doing alot of reading Im worried about stunting there growth, some people say it isn't important, Well fuck them, Im going for the safe approach.

They took what felt like a fucking age to appear! They popped in exact reverse order I planted them! But still took a good amount of time! Between 18 - 36!

EDIT: Just checked and the final seedling popped :)
Grow :)

Here they are :) all thats left now is to sit back, and wait till I can sex them. No worries what so ever...

Or so I thought...

I came home to discover the bastard light had gone off :O, I checked the ballast but it was powering up fine, I checked the bulb to notice that it was completely fucked. It's clearly over heated as you can see by the pics, and now I have learnt my school boy error, I need to cool that fucking room down!

Pic of plants and broken bulb, again shit photos, however I will be getting more tonight.

They went without light for a good amount of time, hope it aint stressed them, however there still tiny. :(

Will get more pics and keep you all posted :)

Any advice/thanks/hatemail.. please send :)



Starting Week 2

Well after my inital fuck up, I am being paranoid to the max, and making sure that everything is ok :P.
As you can see by the pics there 2 Weeks old since sprouting, apart from one of them thats taking her sweet ass time (There fem seeds, but I'm calling them ladies in hope they all are ;) )

I'm worried that there lack of light might have fucked them up, I don't wanna stress them, :( but nothing I can do but carry on. I was going to give them an uber light feed Like 1ml of Biobizz Grow per 4Litres at this age, However due to the fact I ain't seeing any true leaves I'm just gonna keep them on water for a little longer.

Also as you can see by the phot the temp for the room is around 25 Celsius, Is that ok? The room can vary but the Lowest temp is around 19 Celsius and Highest temp around 28.5 Celsius, If the lower temp (19) is too low, theres no problems warming it up, however my main issue is keeping the room cool at the moment.. Don't wanna blow another light bulb.

Sorry about the picture quality, there taken on my N97 (Don't buy one, get an N900! God damn N0K1A!) until I can get my dads Nikon D60 :D. The shutter rate is shit on this camera.

The thermostat in the picture is awesome :D, The council installed it for free, It can go in any room, and adjust the rooms temp according to your settings :D Result.

Yes I *am* wearing odd socks on one of those photos, Finding pairs is an effort.

Also if your wondering whats been planted in the Pot Noodle tub, Venus Fly Trap :) I thought why the fuck not.

I also have an idea to move the grow tent into my actual bedroom and get a full blackout blind for the window, this is for a few reasons;
I can moderate the grow temp alot better
The plants get lots of my lovely used up air
My room will smell nice
If i'm at home im always awake till atleast Midnight, and I never get up earlier than 7am, All the rest of the time I'm wide awake, The way I see why waste all that escaping light, it can light up my bedroom a hell of a lot better than these shitty CFL energy saving lightbulbs.

Well theres not much more to report on now, Guess I just wait it out to give these girls a feeding.

Any help would great.


Not much to report, :( Still fooking tiny!
and to add insult to i injury i tryed to installed opensuse on my netbook, and lost all my shizzle.
Partition Magic + Weed = Fail
Fuck My Life.
I'm definitely interested to see how your Snowryders turn out.

Right now, I'm looking at 4 autoflowers going: Pakistan Ryder, Blue Himalaya Diesel, Low Ryder/AK, and a Snowryder.

For me, the Snowryder has been lagging behind them all from day 1. It was the last to germ, and initially, almost seemed stunted in its growth. RIght now, the Snowryder is easily a third of the size of the others and a third as bushy.

I'm sure it could be just a bad seed. Hope yours turns out all good....I still have 4 Snowryders left!

Good luck!
I'm definitely interested to see how your Snowryders turn out.

Right now, I'm looking at 4 autoflowers going: Pakistan Ryder, Blue Himalaya Diesel, Low Ryder/AK, and a Snowryder.

For me, the Snowryder has been lagging behind them all from day 1. It was the last to germ, and initially, almost seemed stunted in its growth. RIght now, the Snowryder is easily a third of the size of the others and a third as bushy.

I'm sure it could be just a bad seed. Hope yours turns out all good....I still have 4 Snowryders left!

Good luck!
Well, nice to finally get some input :)

For an autoflowering plant, she *always optimistic* is taking her sweet time!

Not much new to report really, However these are easily the slowest seeds to germ ever! :P However im in love with the strain so I will wait it out.

Still waiting for my first set of 3 leaves, however the stalk is starting to bulk up :) and those pretty little leaves are stretching so hopefully all will go well.

Over watered them the other night,
I drank short of 28 units in town :O
I no longer do twilight gardening drunk!


Will post some new pics soon.

Good luck with your auto grow dude (Y) :)

Hi Anyjungleinguy, how's the crop going, mad keen to hear more, been searching for info to do my first grow and loved your updates, what size ballast did you use and is it essential to have one?
Im glad im not the only one who has to wait for ages for snowryder to grow - jesus its slow ! Im in spain so 1st i have great weather and 2nd its legal to grow 4 plants & smoke weed here on your own property ( why live anywhere else :) I got snowryder outdoor as i wanted feminised and autoflowering but all ive had is very small slow growing plants, i planted 8 just incase i lost some and i did loose 4 :(((((( cried more than when my granny died !!!! Luckily i also planted 8 Ruderalis Skunk as a plan B and thank god they are growing like bloody trees :) Wont bother with Snowryder again i think - maybe something i did to them but dont think so as all seem to be small and stunted and i did have them all on various different light\feed options just to edge my bets. Will try something else next year ( i should get a bin bag full of weed to keep me going till next spring now ! Keep going though dude, even if its small it will still burn !
Yeahh...bring back this Snowryder thread...back from the dead!

Back in February I think it was, I replied and subscribed to this thread. My earlier post talked about how my Snowryders were slow to germ and slower to grow. 4 months later, I still have gotten nothing but disappointment from my Snowryders.

Yes it will grow, but I'm sure any of you looking for an auto strain can definitely find and grow better.