Snow White and White Rhino. Auto. SoG.

As it is right now my plants are going to be a week old tomorrow. They are Autoflowering. In the back row of the room I have WhiteRhino
in the front SnowWhite.

Currently I am running a 400w Light, I have both HID and HPS. Right now I have HID in the light. The light is on a 18-6 schedule, with it turning on at 5 am and shutting off at 11pm. The light as it is currently is 2.5' away from the plants.

I have a EBB n Flow system. My resevior holds up to 18 gallons, but I only keep it at 12, because anything more is just a waste. It floods 3 times daily for 15 minutes. Once at 4:30am, 10:30am and 4:30pm.

My upper container is 3'2"x1.5'x7". Inside the container it is filled with hydroton, 6 rockwool cubes about 4"x4"x4". I have a total of 6 plants in the actual container, I felt like that was more than enough. Holding them up are netting pots into the rockwool to give a base for the plants.

Inside the resevoir I have a pump that pumps 66g per hour. A thermometer, heat control which keeps the resevior at a constant 68° (I want 65°, but cant go any lower and my house usually is at 60°) and 3" air stone which goes constantly.

I am using the foxfarms hydro nutrient schedule
On my first week of it too.

The seeds first started in a germination kit.
I didnt use the bacteria tabs, because I thought it would be to much for the plant along with the Foxfarms. From what I have read there is a high chance of nutrient burn at the seedling stage and didnt want to chance it.

The actual room they are in is a 7'x4.5'x2.5', There is also a 4" fan in there which can do 171 cfm. There is a speed control, but no temperature timer. So usually its going full speed. The ventilation goes straight into the ceiling rather than a window. One of the vents that comes from the fan goes right next to the light because it seems to take out some of the heat that the light produces, while still giving off the UV's like it should. Also it adds a tad more humidity where the plants are.

I have a electronic temperature gauge that has two gauge points. One on a long 5' wire and the other where the actual screen is. By doing this I hope to get a average of the room, compared to one actual spot. My goal for temperature is 79°. Recently its been about 84° and I really dont know whats up, seems to have happened ever since I started spraying water with my spray bottle to increase humidity.

The temperature gauge also measures humidity.The average humidity of my house is 30%. If I use the spray bottle, immediately it raises up to 52% by about 4% every minute or so. Then after about 25 to 30 minutes goes down to 35% and stays there for about 2 hours. I think i need air-mister, but cant find a good one. Got any suggestions?

So the technique I actually want to do is the Sea of Green technique. With the amount of plants I have, I thought it would be the best option. Especially with the limited room. I wasnt sure if I sure go for 2 main cola's or just 1.

Truthfully I want to alter the foxfarms nutrient cycle a tad to fit my plants more, and to adjust it for SoG. Got any ideas?

Also this isnt my first grow. I grew outside over the summer and got a basic idea of what the actual stages are and so on, and decided to go all out for the indoor one. So here we go.

Post 1.
Ok everyone I know this is SUPER de duper high. Sorry. If someone read my post in hydro-ponics I had a EC issue.
I ended up figuring out the whole problem, it was cause when I first started making this resevior change I kept adding way to much PH up and PH down to get it right. Kind of kept overshooting it.
I dont have anymore Ph down to replace the resevoir. So since I change it every week. I will change it tomorrrow and get it down to 1.2-1.6 where it should be.

It is a tad high I know, but I dont know how to lower it anymore, the doors are completely open and the fan at full blast. any ideas??

I need to go spray it again or find a mister.

From what I read this is a good spot to be at. Seems to not fluctuate to much.

Since this is a journal I am here to take any tips what so ever. I will take in all the advice I get and any suggestion. So go for it. Tell me what you think. Do I need anymore info in each post? Yes no?

P.S. these are cell phone pics...sorry. next pics will actually be my camera. its charging :P

The pics are cellphone pics, sorry, next time they will be of WAY higher quality.


EC-1.2 AHHH YEAH!!! I re did the resevoir and it came out perfect. I love it. I didnt have to change anything. The only thing I did was buy a container to mix the nutrients in before I added them into the resevoir. Helps so much!!

I have seemed to notice that on just some days it seems to jump up this high. Towards the weekend. Mid week, no joke it goes down to a constant 79°

Humidity- 32%. So I went and bought a new humidifier from walmart. Its a cool mist humidifier, instead of warm. if that makes any difference. By doing this I was trying to raise the humidity cause someone told me it would work....well it doesnt :P

On average it keeps it at about 32% which is definately not what I want. its only 2% higher than the original. Could this be cause the fan sucking it all out??

P.S. If you look at the overhead shot of one of my plants. You can see that there are light green dots among the leaves. What does this mean? I think its just getting to much nutrients.


I also forgot to mention. I am starting to pull the plants down a little bit. By doing this I hope to achieve a Arc in where the plants reach the light.

We all know that the plants right under the light wont stretch as much to reach it. So the ones on the outside I am pulling down so by the time they grow up there is a canopy that has a arc to it.

Just doing a simple tac and fishline method. Put a tac where I think it should belong and pull the plant down by the fishline.

Which I hope in the end will give more light to the plants and so there is not as much lost.

