I do get ALOT hornier now. I literaly fucked her for almost 2 hours the other day.
that does suck bro. just take ur time and ease urself back into it. and as for growing, i would keep that up no matter what cause even if u dont keep smoking, the more money u will make. i know if i had the oppurtunity to grow, i would and would never look back. either way, good luck man. i hope it all works out for u in the end.
I quit smoking cigs about 2 weeks ago...I just got through coughing up black shit. Please dont smoke cigs dude....such a waste of life...smoke smaller amounts. I get anxiety also when I smoke weed but I love weedSo I bought a pack of cigarettes, grinded up some bud and did half tobacco half weed, the nicotine helps raise my high up to be pleasant. I don't smoke cigs the only time I buy them is to mix it which is amazing and i highly recommend it. Just don't overly smoke yourself out and you should be good.
yea. i would like to grow but im staying with my grandma right now helping her out and stuff. its a fair trade though, im able to stay there,look for a job and help her out so. shes ok with me smokin, but doesnt really want me to get any plants goin at her house. i still dream of my own little setup though every night. just like 3 or 4 nice plants to care for. ahhhh one day.
SOMETIMES if something ridiculously funny is on that happends. Like the episode of south park where they were hooked up to that weird dream thing in the psychyitrist office. I tuned in RIGHT as the FBI agents were shooting two little kids to death. I nearly fucking peed myself lmaoo..but its temporary...as soon as the comedy is over, back to anxiety.i get anxiety a little just know its all in your head , just chill and mess around on pc before you know it youl forget about anxiety and still be high and injoing yourself
Yeah, just saying dude. When I coughed up the black shit it was game over...I agree fully with you, they are a waste of life but I smoke 1 ciga-weed ever other day I just bought a vaporizer. I took an oxy yesterday and smoked a bowl and I was enjoying my highit was amazing but i rarely, VERY rarely do pills cuz my body enjoys giving me withdrawal after a few uses (which aren't even long term).
When you take shit like pills they mess with the chemicals in your brain which only last temporarily on most prescribed medication. Mood swings happen alot more on cigs because it stimulates dopamine that people perceive as reward. You wear-down that part of your brain by lifting it and lowering it with nicotine this causes mood swings (also the fact and knowing of killing yourself with every cig)
I think its the opposite. This is going on 6months now. I think Im just getting into it -.-...who knows mabe your right. I am noticeing changes in my body. Bigger muscles, voice changing a lil more, I always had a full beard so nothing there, also bigger you know what (which is pretty bad ass)...going on 20 in 4 months...i used to get bad anxiety and vertigo from weed on and off in my late teens/early 20's. objectively looking back i honestly believe it was my own body chemistry gone haywire for a variety of reasons. i went through some personal shit so my head wasn't right to begin with, and i also drank a lot and ate lots of shrooms, plus that age is just weird. my body just was not having the correct response to weed sometimes and it was because of all the other shit that was going on. i was never actually relaxed and the weed just exaggerated it. it's really shitty you can't enjoy the herb right now, but my only constructive advice is to try to get more balance and peace in your life. if you're under 21 you might just outgrow it.
Just everything...racing thoughts...sorry to hear about this, 80mg. at least it has its positive side effects *elbow nudge* *wink*
i had the same thing for a while, now not so much. turns out what made me anxious when i smoked was the operation i had going, paranoia about getting busted (despite my legal status).
anything you get anxious/paranoid about in specific when you smoke?
I cant smoke anymore...everytime I do I get Anxiety SOOO bad...WTF -.-
You know how much it sucks too grow and cant smoke! DO YOU!!!!![]()