So here's my story.....

I'm 18, and FINALLY moving into my own apartment... I have been a member of RIU for almost 2 years and in that time i have learned so much i amaze myself, and for that i owuld like to take the time to say THANK YOU ROLL IT UP YOU FRIGGEN RULE WITHOUT YOU I WOULD HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING=]. Anyways, in those two years i've experimented alot, grown alot (plants and as a person), and i've been caught alot doing so... So after two indoor grows that were caught by the parentals, one outdoor that was wrecked by god knows what, and 2 living female outdoor plants as we speak; I'm ready to grow indoors and im ready to do it RIGHT.

Now my conditions might not be ideal, but that's not the problem, all i want to do is be able to generate between 5-7g/week average, because that is enough to keep me away from schemeing drug dealers cause im really FUCKING tired of getting my money stolen... 1800, 1450, and 725 just to name some of the more painful incidents... I MEAN CMON A GUN OVER 1800? be a business man FFS... i could have built a LEGIT grow room for all that loot, but i digress, anyways, I have decided that PC growing is the way to go for me, i just have a few questions..... I have narrowed the field down to 3 boxes... they are-

I REALLLLLY like the two by homegrown hydroponics and am leaning towards the 799$ one that is a hydroponic setup for between 4 and 6 plants... it comes with a 105w CFL bulb and i was wondering if i could replace that with either a 75 or 150w HPS bulb without using a ballast...

The only qualms that i have with the Homegrown hydro setups are that they do not seem to be sealed as well as the PC growcase is (so is there something i could buy that would work? or just duct tape every gap and spray paint it all matte white?). But i'm not worried about the seal leakin Smell because i will be using multiple ONA bricks so i know i have nothing to worry about. I am worried about LIGHT getting out, because i need to be as efficient as possible... Because realistically i expect not more than 30g's every cycle if i do everything right(and we all know shit happens), and that's with the 4-6 plant setup... if i get the 2-3 plant setup ill be happy with 1/2oz a cycle... I plan on using fox farm nutes, the full hydroponic kit, with there ph up/down, if they dont make one ill just grab a random one.

I have no problem spending the money upfront because iw ant to make a quality product in the end.

So the question is, what do you guys think looks the best, or which would you choose? Any grow box around the size of a computer case will fly, i am not exactly the most patient person in the world so building one is almost out of the option unless its extremely simple... Also what would be the best method of grow medium? i'm 99.999999% sure hydroponic with the little stone things is the best way to go, and using a pond fogger if i can afford one, but you never know what new tech only a few people know about... And, Is the replacement of the 105w CFL plausable/necessary?? The box by pcgrowcase comes with 4 35w CFL's if i'm not mistaken... So which would be the best? a) the 105w CFL, b) the 4 35w CFL's(this option applies only to the PCGROWCASE and if your wondering why i dont slap 4 75w HPS's in there there just isnt enough room to put em in sadly...), c) the 75w HPS, d) the 150w HPS...
Now please, dont just say the 150w hps because its the biggest, i dont want to burn my plants to a crisp and am truely clueless as to what would be the best...

Oh... and if you know of something better that i missed please let me know. Happy toking *-.HErBAVORe.-*


Active Member
I think any of them would work... i guess it just depends all on how good the ventilation is... And also, did you notice that if you live in the USA the growbox from PCgrowcase requires a converter? anyways... I would go with the 4-6 hydro setup from homegrown hydroponics because you can either use the 105w cfl or a 150w hps, my best GUESS of an ideal harvest from the 105w would be 18, 20g's tops??? With the 150w, and alot of effort, you could, COULD hit the 30g's your looking for... But keep in mind the added cost of a HPS, and the heat given off... Also you could use a glass drink bottle, add water and yeast and close it and drill a hole in the top and add a tube and that would produce C02 which i guess is "something better"...
Wow, thanks for the quick reply, and i'll give tha c02 a shot, is there any specific measurement of yeast to use or sohuld i just use one of those little premaid packets that they use for like making homemade pizzas and stuff?

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
I am a really impatient person the same as you, so I can understand your desire to buy something prefabricated. That being said, I would seriously consider buying an old pc case and just mounting a small CFL or HID light inside of it. There will naturally be ventilation too with the pc fan that will be installed, or if there isn't one, just buy one, plug it up, and screw in two screws, simple as that. The reason I think you should make one is with the money left over you can buy better seeds and have better genetics, get better nutrients and have larger yields, and pocket the rest and do what you will with it.

Actually, if I was you, and I had the space, I would go with something even bigger that would still fit in your budget. Always check ebay for stuff like this. I think this cabinet would be amazing if you have the space and it's a great price and would allow for more plants.


Well-Known Member
seriously for the cost of that sett up you could have a pretty sweat closet set up and yield alot more also if you want a pretty small set up might go with the double rubbermaid setup will fit more plants than pc grows i have seen some decent pc grows but still wont do shit compared to a closet set up
this is one of the best rubber mades i have seen, that being said it prob cost 100 dollars at the most vs 700 dollars little pc grow but i would highly advise the closet set up if you can if not i understand


Well-Known Member
I agree with the grow more ppl.
1/2oz is too small a yield to go through all the work of growing.
Unless you hardly smoke, you'll still end up buying weed while your half a sack is growing.


Active Member
I'm 18, and FINALLY moving into my own apartment... I have been a member of RIU for almost 2 years and in that time i have learned so much i amaze myself, and for that i owuld like to take the time to say THANK YOU ROLL IT UP YOU FRIGGEN RULE WITHOUT YOU I WOULD HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING=]. Anyways, in those two years i've experimented alot, grown alot (plants and as a person), and i've been caught alot doing so... So after two indoor grows that were caught by the parentals, one outdoor that was wrecked by god knows what, and 2 living female outdoor plants as we speak; I'm ready to grow indoors and im ready to do it RIGHT.

Now my conditions might not be ideal, but that's not the problem, all i want to do is be able to generate between 5-7g/week average, because that is enough to keep me away from schemeing drug dealers cause im really FUCKING tired of getting my money stolen... 1800, 1450, and 725 just to name some of the more painful incidents... I MEAN CMON A GUN OVER 1800? be a business man FFS... i could have built a LEGIT grow room for all that loot, but i digress, anyways, I have decided that PC growing is the way to go for me, i just have a few questions..... I have narrowed the field down to 3 boxes... they are-

I REALLLLLY like the two by homegrown hydroponics and am leaning towards the 799$ one that is a hydroponic setup for between 4 and 6 plants... it comes with a 105w CFL bulb and i was wondering if i could replace that with either a 75 or 150w HPS bulb without using a ballast...

The only qualms that i have with the Homegrown hydro setups are that they do not seem to be sealed as well as the PC growcase is (so is there something i could buy that would work? or just duct tape every gap and spray paint it all matte white?). But i'm not worried about the seal leakin Smell because i will be using multiple ONA bricks so i know i have nothing to worry about. I am worried about LIGHT getting out, because i need to be as efficient as possible... Because realistically i expect not more than 30g's every cycle if i do everything right(and we all know shit happens), and that's with the 4-6 plant setup... if i get the 2-3 plant setup ill be happy with 1/2oz a cycle... I plan on using fox farm nutes, the full hydroponic kit, with there ph up/down, if they dont make one ill just grab a random one.

I have no problem spending the money upfront because iw ant to make a quality product in the end.

So the question is, what do you guys think looks the best, or which would you choose? Any grow box around the size of a computer case will fly, i am not exactly the most patient person in the world so building one is almost out of the option unless its extremely simple... Also what would be the best method of grow medium? i'm 99.999999% sure hydroponic with the little stone things is the best way to go, and using a pond fogger if i can afford one, but you never know what new tech only a few people know about... And, Is the replacement of the 105w CFL plausable/necessary?? The box by pcgrowcase comes with 4 35w CFL's if i'm not mistaken... So which would be the best? a) the 105w CFL, b) the 4 35w CFL's(this option applies only to the PCGROWCASE and if your wondering why i dont slap 4 75w HPS's in there there just isnt enough room to put em in sadly...), c) the 75w HPS, d) the 150w HPS...
Now please, dont just say the 150w hps because its the biggest, i dont want to burn my plants to a crisp and am truely clueless as to what would be the best...

Oh... and if you know of something better that i missed please let me know. Happy toking *-.HErBAVORe.-*
lol your join date says july 2009 liar liar


Active Member
You can not use a HPS or MH with out a ballast. It is not the same as a CFL. And heat would be a problem in the pc case. Also, even for 7g's a week you would need more space. Do a small cabinet in the closet or something. But, keep in mind that if you apartment manager bust you, you go to jail, not grounded.


Active Member
do not waste your time with a pc grow, get a 600 watt hps and do it in the closet or large cabinet at the least.


Active Member
Well i didnt wanna have to admit this lol, but this is my alt account, if yuo dont believe me i can log onto bubble farmer, anyways.... the closet grow sounds like a fantastic idea and i definately have the space for it the only thing that i'm worried about is my landlord just coming in and stumbling across a full blown closet grow like my cleaning ladies did....

[EDIT]:And i'm not sure if it was exactly two years, but i didnt have an account for a very long time, i just really enjoyed looking at pictures, then that slowly evolved into becoming interested in SOG, then i learned about ScrOG and BoG, then i learned about hydro's then at about 17 and 1/2 i attempted my first grow, and had an account that was banned because i posted as a minor, so i kept experementing to myself, and now that i am finally 18 i can ask you guys for help

And i know what i did was wrong; and i appologize for that. if this account needs to be banned because of it, so be it i guess? ... but i wasn't running around posting false info being a jerkoff, i just kinda laid back and watched what was going on because i was so enamored by the fact that marijuana could be free... Oh and the stories... about people who have cancer, aids and other serious ailments. reading those stories changed my life, i am now majoring in botany solely because of this website.

And i hope that someday i can help spread the knowledge and freedom that ganja has lead me to discover. but as of right now i just want to treat my lungs to something better.


Well-Known Member
Well i didnt wanna have to admit this lol, but this is my alt account, if yuo dont believe me i can log onto bubble farmer, anyways.... the closet grow sounds like a fantastic idea and i definately have the space for it the only thing that i'm worried about is my landlord just coming in and stumbling across a full blown closet grow like my cleaning ladies did....

[EDIT]:And i'm not sure if it was exactly two years, but i didnt have an account for a very long time, i just really enjoyed looking at pictures, then that slowly evolved into becoming interested in SOG, then i learned about ScrOG and BoG, then i learned about hydro's then at about 17 and 1/2 i attempted my first grow, and had an account that was banned because i posted as a minor, so i kept experementing to myself, and now that i am finally 18 i can ask you guys for help

And i know what i did was wrong; and i appologize for that. if this account needs to be banned because of it, so be it i guess? ... but i wasn't running around posting false info being a jerkoff, i just kinda laid back and watched what was going on because i was so enamored by the fact that marijuana could be free... Oh and the stories... about people who have cancer, aids and other serious ailments. reading those stories changed my life, i am now majoring in botany solely because of this website.

And i hope that someday i can help spread the knowledge and freedom that ganja has lead me to discover. but as of right now i just want to treat my lungs to something better.
lol...alt account? This isn't WoW kid.


Well-Known Member
Well i didnt wanna have to admit this lol, but this is my alt account, if yuo dont believe me i can log onto bubble farmer, anyways.... the closet grow sounds like a fantastic idea and i definately have the space for it the only thing that i'm worried about is my landlord just coming in and stumbling across a full blown closet grow like my cleaning ladies did....

[EDIT]:And i'm not sure if it was exactly two years, but i didnt have an account for a very long time, i just really enjoyed looking at pictures, then that slowly evolved into becoming interested in SOG, then i learned about ScrOG and BoG, then i learned about hydro's then at about 17 and 1/2 i attempted my first grow, and had an account that was banned because i posted as a minor, so i kept experementing to myself, and now that i am finally 18 i can ask you guys for help

And i know what i did was wrong; and i appologize for that. if this account needs to be banned because of it, so be it i guess? ... but i wasn't running around posting false info being a jerkoff, i just kinda laid back and watched what was going on because i was so enamored by the fact that marijuana could be free... Oh and the stories... about people who have cancer, aids and other serious ailments. reading those stories changed my life, i am now majoring in botany solely because of this website.

And i hope that someday i can help spread the knowledge and freedom that ganja has lead me to discover. but as of right now i just want to treat my lungs to something better.
Go get it young blood! You seem like a real grounded dude, I wish you luck in your endeavors, I personally wouldn't waste my time with the PC case, I am American and bigger is better in my mind, especially when it comes to harvest time.

In the end do whats right for you, let the haters hate dude and do whats right by you, peace~~~Dude:weed:


Active Member
Its a shame you don't want to slap one together for a fraction of the price. I'm the most unhandy person you could ever meet AND i have rheumatoid arthritis AND Lupus which saps all of my daily energy in mere minutes and I built a growcab in a few hours. I hurt like hell after and I was sick for a week but if you are a normal human being then it should be beyond simple. The one I built costs about 1800$ online before shipping and what not, i built it for under 200$ and it functions the same. I still haven't spent 1800$ on my growing and I harvest often. I understand the lack of patience and wanting a plug 'n play product but that is a 900% markup. I'm sure you have to work for your money so ill put it like this. (and ill use my prices as an example since that's what i have experience with) you can work to make 1800$ and pay someone to send it to you (hopefully) or you can earn 200$ and build it yourself in an hour or two with no previous handyman experience or tools whatsoever. I saved a LOT of money that i now spend on supplies. Good luck.


Active Member
You can not use a HPS or MH with out a ballast. It is not the same as a CFL. And heat would be a problem in the pc case. Also, even for 7g's a week you would need more space. Do a small cabinet in the closet or something. But, keep in mind that if you apartment manager bust you, you go to jail, not grounded.
Yup. I've had a few apartments and in all of them the landlord CAN and HAS walked into my apartment without my authorization. If you have a plumbing problem or something then they will send maintenance guys or whoever into your apartment whether you are there or not. I've awaken to find a stranger under my kitchen sink and the front door wide open. I've come home to see notes on the inside of my door. In each case I've had drugs and paraphernalia laying around in plain sight. Nothing ever came of it but i think its safe to say that i was INCREDIBLY lucky on each and every one of those occasions. Just a warning :leaf: