So High I'm Hallucinating


Well-Known Member
So I just smoked a few bowl bongs of the best weed iv'e ever had, 30 mins before that I smoked a ton of bubble hash, and 2 hours before that I ate a fourth of the weed brownies I made with Cherry-AK47.

I'm actually seeing patterns in the air and shit and have awesome visuals when I close my eyes. I made the brownies and grew the weed and got the hash from my brother. It's not like it s not awesome tho.


It took me 15 minutes literally to type this because im so high


Well-Known Member
don't tell anyone, weed is a powerful psychedelic when used correctly! Been gone for over 18 hours before. Not always a fun trip, the sativa influence can make you really paranoid and shit! have a blast


Well-Known Member
pot is the most psycedlic of all, of coarse it only very rarely does it.


Active Member
Ie gotten to that level multiple times with really good hash and a vapor dome. The high at that point is almost sleeping tho hahha


Well-Known Member
I don't do edibles for that very reason, I just don't like getting THAT fucked up.
I'm sure one builds up some tolerance to it over time though.


Well-Known Member
So I just smoked a few bowl bongs of the best weed iv'e ever had, 30 mins before that I smoked a ton of bubble hash, and 2 hours before that I ate a fourth of the weed brownies I made with Cherry-AK47.

I'm actually seeing patterns in the air and shit and have awesome visuals when I close my eyes. I made the brownies and grew the weed and got the hash from my brother. It's not like it s not awesome tho.


It took me 15 minutes literally to type this because im so high
Marijuana is the most versatile psychedelic to grace the lands. It can spur in various directions, at uneven intervals. Quite amazing to witness in full effect. I'm sure you wont' be able to recount most of it... as amnesia is the beauty of it all. Bong ripping and browning eating is a custom left for the savages who sacrifice the gift of NOT ​giving a fuck :D


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is the most versatile psychedelic to grace the lands. It can spur in various directions, at uneven intervals. Quite amazing to witness in full effect. I'm sure you wont' be able to recount most of it... as amnesia is the beauty of it all. Bong ripping and browning eating is a custom left for the savages who sacrifice the gift of NOT ​giving a fuck :D
I seem to get the highest when I'm not by myself and I'm not thinking about it as much. Which makes sense to me though.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I think all my weed is broken...never had that happen, I have gotten so high that I feel lost even in closed every 5 seconds I look around like oh no where do I go?! Ohhhhh I'm in a room...5 seconds later again I would feel totally lost, look up and still be in that damn Got lost at a buffet once too---finally gave up and sat down, and walking home---on a straight road from like 2 houses down...every few steps I would again feel ---lost---only to realize I had only moved a foot or 2...this was back when I first started smoking...which has been a few years now...anyway getting really high never made me see things, but it has given me a nagging certainty that I am lost---even in simple is there an underlying meaning?--probably... blah blah blah---I feel like this stopped making sense a while back so whateva---a strong high used to make me lost---


Well-Known Member
This is why I do not eat pot along with the very long lasting body high. I like to control the high and smoking is perfect for that. I am sure it was the brownies that put you over the edge.


Well-Known Member
This is why I do not eat pot along with the very long lasting body high. I like to control the high and smoking is perfect for that. I am sure it was the brownies that put you over the edge.
But I love how high brownies get you.