So honestly how hard is it to mask the smell of a grow?


Well-Known Member
I want to do a little grow, like 4 in veg, and maybe a little area for smaller babies and some grown ups. Anyways I have the summer to myself, but then come fall a roommate is moving in to my house, I simply dont want them to know a grow is going on, so realistically how hard is it to mask the smell? At most id have 12 to 15 plants?


Active Member
Smell depends on the strain, but either way you'll need an inline fan with a carbon filter. Look into ways to damper the noise from your fan too, these fans produce a very noticable whir that your roommate might hear and possibly investigate. It's pretty difficult to do a grow of that size right under somebody's nose, how big is your place? You'll also need at least a full day alone for trimming your harvest, that will stink up the place like nothing else. Then you have to dry it in the same closet as the carbon filter.

It can be done though, don't let me put you off, I'm just giving you some food for thought.


Active Member
I want to do a little grow, like 4 in veg, and maybe a little area for smaller babies and some grown ups. Anyways I have the summer to myself, but then come fall a roommate is moving in to my house, I simply dont want them to know a grow is going on, so realistically how hard is it to mask the smell? At most id have 12 to 15 plants?
If the person moving in with you is a young dude who has ever smoked weed, then I would say its impossible to hide completely. Especially with that many plants. Realistically, you might get away with 2 - 5 but even then a stray whiff could make a hungry smoker turn detective.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I had the same thoughts when I started my first indoor grow..... how much can this possibly stink? One day I opened my front door to come in the house and Wham! Never really noticed it before. A couple well placed carbon filters did the trick.


Active Member
During late flowering your whole house/apartment will smell even with a few plants, even with strains that aren't that smelly. Carbon filter is the best way, but I used an onna mister in the room next to my flowering room and it masked the smell alright, to the point that my one roommate that didnt know never figured it out.
Ultimately honesty is the best policy, but I own my home and used to rent to friends, so when i did tell them they knew they would get kicked out if the word left there.
I had a customer trying to grow in his closet without his wife knowing, he's a total square leader of the church and everything, he asked my opinion, I told him to tell the truth and it worked out great, his wife even helps him =)


Active Member
Very easy to get rid of any scent with a carbon filter. Check out the 4 inch inline fan and filter combo at works very good and cheap


Well-Known Member
ya the guy moving in I am 100% does not know the smell, but ya lol Ill def be getting carb filters, and sprays etc


Active Member
Get a cabon filter like everyone has said, also look in to putting a few ona blocks, or some ona gel around the place, neutralizes odors n stuff. This is what i do and usually cant smell a thing apart from harvest time. Hope it works out for you anyway.