So how do you tell


Well-Known Member
Watering vs Feeding

So I definately know when the plants want water, but can and how do you tell the difference between when the plants need water and when they are ready for food, I mean before the leaves start changing color, is there characteristics of the plant that change that I should look for or is it a timing thing?


Active Member
You'll see the leaves get lighter when it's running out of Nitrogen. The good thing is that N is very mobile and the plant will recover quickly. If you see burnt leaf tips, that's another big sign of N deficiency.


Well-Known Member
they want food every time you water, question is,,,is there still food in there for em? when should add/suppliment?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Riddleme........Ya man that is what I'm getin at......
I know water feeds em......i'm just trying to learn how quickly they use the nutes from the soil and how often to replenish, obviously the bigger the plant the more food it'll need and the quicker it'll absorb the before the leaves start I never let em get to that point, is there another method that grower use, and not testers when the plant need water it is obivious due to the leaves saggin and looks different from what i'm trying to find out does the plant do somthing miniscule that u can look for or is it simply just trial and error to get it right??


Well-Known Member
Why I like a soilless mix, cause then you are in total control of what is in there, no wondering involved

but no there are no sign's other than color of new growth