New Member
For years i have researched This but i never acted, Then one day my buddy said, "If ya build it we can keep it at my house" So it happened. The cabinet is 48x21x72 the top is for budding with a 400 watt hps [Lumatek, nice] The bottom is for cloning and veg. I built an array of 14 26 watt cfls underneath. This allows me to vary the output simply by loosening or tightening some of the bulbs, For cloning i loosen all but 1 or 2, then once there rooted i put em in 3.5 inch net cups filled with hydroton and swap out the heat mat and humidity dome for a simple diy flood and drain systen consisting of a small rubbermade and a kitty litter tray. Then i tighten more bulbs and work up to all 14. On my one run so far within 2 weeks they had overgrown this compartment. Another mate of mine has a soil closet grow going and my last batch of clones went to him, Visited them today, I'm almost jealous of his soil grow. Looks so much simpler. So many less variables to consider. I used to grow veggies outside in a few different hydro systems but i'm still a noob by far. The strain is unknown bagseed. They large bucket underneath is used as a 10 gal res for the top. Top system is 6" pvc with a 1/2" poly line running the length of the inside of the tube with many small spray holes in it that constantly shower the roots, Kinda a hybrid Aero - NFT system but i have yet to fine tune it. All input would be appreciated and all questions answered. Thanks And Good Luck
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