So I have this fridge lying around...


Active Member
I have a working refrigerator that I am not using for anything and it is just taking up space. It is the standard kitchen size.

I have had heat issues with my 600w HPS so I would like use the refrigerators cooling for the HPS. I was thinking of cutting a hole between the freezer on top and have the light setup in the freezer area, then the plants could be positioned in the lower freezer. I would plan to use a 4" vortex fan hooked to a carbon filter for exahust and an other fan for some intake.

I know moisture could be a big issue and also I was curious about the freon gas I might cut into and release.

Would it be possible to use the fridges cooling system while controlling the moisture enough it would not be a problem for the HPS?


Well-Known Member
hay man!I seen people making them out of fridegrators,but I wouldnt think you could use the cooling system espesialy ,if you cut a hole threw the middle.the fridge would try to throw moisture on your light sounds like fire waiting to happen that .600 is a nice light you need to put the 4inch vortec on the light and use the other fan for the carbon filter.I seen people cut the whole middle out,its nice and dark because of seals.I wouldnt think you could use the cooling system. my 2 cents


Active Member
I have had some big problems with heat using my 600w HPS. That was the main reason for the fridge so I could use its cooling for the HPS light. Otherwise I am thinking of skippping the fridge and buying a a/c unit for a small basement room.

Mr. Limpet

Well-Known Member
I have a working refrigerator that I am not using for anything and it is just taking up space. It is the standard kitchen size.

I have had heat issues with my 600w HPS so I would like use the refrigerators cooling for the HPS. I was thinking of cutting a hole between the freezer on top and have the light setup in the freezer area, then the plants could be positioned in the lower freezer. I would plan to use a 4" vortex fan hooked to a carbon filter for exahust and an other fan for some intake.

I know moisture could be a big issue and also I was curious about the freon gas I might cut into and release.

Would it be possible to use the fridges cooling system while controlling the moisture enough it would not be a problem for the HPS?
dude i did the same exact thing! same exactly! cut out the divider and everything. Your gonna find that in that divider there is piping and a fan and other shit. I used a grinder to cut it and cut right into the refrigeration lines. So mine doesnt function as a fridge anymore. But i had just a 250hps in mine and that shit got waaay hot. like 111. So I eventually got in under control but i baiscally had to make my own air cooled hood. And it was still hot up top and cold on the bottom so I made an exhaust from the very top that ran outside and then back into the bottom of the fridge to circulate the hot air to create a uniform temp.