So I joined Parler.

And the first thing I come across is that Melania Trump has her own line of CBD Oil products.

And the meat and potatoes image from that:

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I understand you have to give them your identification and they wanna see your drivers license and want your phone number etc. I'm sure you will be getting lot's fantastic offers and spam email, Donald will be by looking for cash too, as they sell your ass to every scam artist and conman in America.

Make an echo chamber for suckers and losers, then sell their asses to the highest bidder, it's a profitable business model. While yer at it, partner with other scam artists and sell your own products too, they will stick your label on anything in China and ship directly to the customer/sucker from there and send you a check every month. Just collect the eyeballs with fuzzy brains behind them and appeal to their biases, if they will buy Trump they will buy shit, literally.

Next sell your going concern (and suckers) to some right wing billionaire for bigly profit and buy that house in the Hamptons you've always dreamed about.
I almost started a account but thought I would be banned after my first post so I didn't bother. The snowflakes on the right say it's a place for free speech but I heard if you say one negative word about a republican or think you might you are instantly banned.
They have to, it's about collecting morons to fleece, the place would end up like here, with all the idiots ridiculed and driven away. Morons = money and that is what it's all about, gather them up, collect their data and fleece them, next sell their asses to other scammers and finally the whole operation to a right wing billionaire. You will have a valuable asset, millions of suckers and losers whose buttons you know how to push, that's not just money, that's power too. It's so easy too, provided you lack scruples and hold your suckers in utter contempt, screw them without mercy and have em eating dog food, as they send you their last dime.
I almost started a account but thought I would be banned after my first post so I didn't bother. The snowflakes on the right say it's a place for free speech but I heard if you say one negative word about a republican or think you might you are instantly banned.
It seems to be that way unless you're republican.

My first post was on a thread where they said the Dems in Georgia pushed mail in voting. I said that wasn't true that it was Republicans that pushed it (which is true as they are the ones in charge of it all).

The first response was: go get fucked stupid ass!
Man, that place is just so sad. Seriously. There is absolutely NOTHING good on it.

I don't know how anybody there is still alive. It's such a cesspool of negativity that I'm amazed that haven't all eaten a bullet by now.
So are we invited to this parler incursion? It's been a while.