So Im finally gonna grow!! HELP!


Active Member
So I got about a 9x3 walk-in closet with plenty of space...i want to grow hydro but nothing big was thinking maybe using the fish tank system or something close..any ideas for a compact grow box or setup??...just a personal crop...was thinking 2 plants maybe 3...oh & i live on the 3rd floor of new apartments with not alot of tennants yet but there are 2 known cops that live near question is...whats the risk in the stench of the ganja (bc im getting the best i can find) and the attraction of attention with light bill or anything roommate is on probation (misdemeanor) but we just dont wanna go down fed time for trying to save money & grow our own meds :) Any tips? Hints? Precautions?? All would help...thanks!


Elite Rolling Society
first be careful and do not tell one person you are going to do a grow.
2, Depending on your bueget and expense money, I suggest a DIY DWC or a DIY BUBBLEPONICS. If you have a couple hundred dollars to spend, I suggest you go to and shop.
If you are on a poor budget, I suggest a 5 gallon bucket and lid from the hardware store or from Walmart , a cheap airpump and airstone and a home made grow cup if you can nto find a HYDRO store near by.
I'l visit you back here soon, AFTER you'd had time to read and study here at the site, and I'd be glad to help you and advise you.
I hope you have some INDICA seed and NOT Sativa seeds.


Active Member
why NOT Sativa?? I'm looking for seeds as im typing this...i want something insane for the people around here..dro vendors are tryin to charge $100 an 8th!!! pssh....Indica is the route i was already on but just wondering if why you emphasized on the two??


Elite Rolling Society
why NOT Sativa?? I'm looking for seeds as im typing this...i want something insane for the people around here..dro vendors are tryin to charge $100 an 8th!!! pssh....Indica is the route i was already on but just wondering if why you emphasized on the two??
You can grow in SOIL, or cut the entire time in half with HYDRO.
IF you HYDRO, you get a very rapid grow.

Sativas are known for their height and their leggy, often sparse, leaves. Sativas can be VERY VERY tall and lean and spindly with a few large colas. The leaves - a trademark of the sativa strain - are long and thin. The odor varies with the particular strain that is growing. Main thing for growers is they get ten to 14 fet tall at maturity.

Indicas are better known for their smaller size. They are relatively short and bushy, topping at 4 feet tall. Some are compact, others are of a more moderate height, but seldom over 4 and half feet tall. Indicas tend to grow wider and rounder than sativas. Many look like small bushy shrubs. Indicas typically grow out many more smaller side colas.

If you want to compare, it is like comparing a stalk fo corn with 4 ears of corn, to a pepper plant with a dozen peppers.

Sativa comes from thsi side of the world, MEXICAN, Columbian, etc.
Indica comes from the othe side of the world, like Afganastan, Africa.