So light leaks cause hermies eh ?


Well-Known Member
I put a new fan in the tent about 6 months ago, or 3 harvests. Just today it clued into me that it's got a big shiny bright light illuminating from it. I've always been of the impression even the small led from a power bar would cause a plant to herm. Haven't seen one seed in 3 harvest with a variety of genetics.
However, despite proving it won't cause hermies, I'm still going to duct tape it now lol...

Fan Light.jpg

If you're wondering what's with the Saran Wrap, it's to keep my top soil moist and my Nematodes happy.
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Well-Known Member
I tend to think that almost ALL genetics, these days, have the potential to throw 'nanners, but I rarely see true hermaphrodite plants. I have had one or two over the years, though. So, let's define our terms.....Are we talking about light leaks that cause plants to throw a few 'nans in late flower? Or, are we talking about a light leak causing a plant to become a hermaphrodite plant that has true, male and female flowers on the same bud sites?

Bruce Bugbee does point out that marijuana is a VERY light-sensitive plant. However, I don't believe that light leaks are the cause of 'nanners, as much as I believe it's due to "polluted" complex hybrid genetics.

I have grown several genetics in conditions where there were absolutely zero light leaks and pretty much perfect conditions, and they still threw a few 'nanners.