So, my girlfriends dad smokes...


Well-Known Member
My mom knows I smoke...shes not "okay" with it...but, she accepts the fact that I am responsible when I do it, and I'm not dumb about the drugs I do. She doesn't want me to smoke, but shes not really going to stop me, or yell at me (I COULD be DRINKING, right? Ewww! :spew:)

My girlfriends dad hasn't caught on to us yet (been with her, going on 3 years now)...and we KNOW he smokes. My mom told me she could tell (she DOES have quite the nose for it) and my girlfriend found her dads bowl, full of resin.

I really like my girlfriend...AND her dad. I'd love to toke with him, because hes a really cool guy. BUT, I would HATE to ruin my relationship with her (don't want him to get all uptight, and freak out.)

I told her to save it for later...if he ever pulls one of those "I can't believe you are a pothead" deals...she can be like "fuck dad, I know you do it", but I'd rather come out and say it. I don't know HOW to do this...and, I don't know when, or if I should do this.

Anyone else go through the same shit?


Well-Known Member
I have smoked with friends parents.. It's hilarious, and has never been awkward. How old are you guys?


Well-Known Member
I smoked with my friends Dad yesterday, i like smoking with potheads that have been around longer.

But for your situation idk what i would do. Maybe wait a little while. Show him evidense that you smoke but dont just give it away. Try to get him to come out and say something.


Well-Known Member
I smoke with my GF's dad and its awesome.......we're a lot alike so its cool to have some to talk to who is on the same wavelength while high.

I would just start casually throwing references during normal conversation and see how he reacts.....if I were you.


Well-Known Member
Bwahaha. I'm 18 BTW. I smoked with my mom on my 18th birthday, I MADE her do it. (shes an old hippie type, but quit the bud years ago...nice to know she used to do it though) I've also smoked with my aunt, which was really cool.

I know this dude...don't even wanna mention a name, I will call him "R". I toke with "R" all summer down at our spot. He is 42(?) and is an ex alcoholic. He has the best shit to tell us about...its so fun to blaze with him :mrgreen:

I was thinking about dropping hints slowly...but, (since he smokes) you'd think he'd notice by just looking at me. Its pretty obvious, IMHO.


Well-Known Member
i would say nothing just yet.
you mite shame him to his family ,and have to back him into a corner,if he knows.
you know.
he smokes.
save it for later. its good ammo.


Well-Known Member
HAHA I remember when i was a small child i was like "DAD what are those trees in the closet??" ;)


Well-Known Member
My parents smoke, and we both knew about each others habits before it was out in the open

In your case, I wouldn't come to him with your knowledge....but if something happens, then you bring it up

That's how I solved the issue....I was probably 16 and my mom was bitching at me for something stupid....weed was brought up, and I said something like 'Well you fucking smoke too!' or something of that nature....she said 'Yes, I do', and it was over

From then on it's never been a big deal. Just like you said, you can smoke as much weed as you want as long as you have your priorities straight.......

I'm a junior in college with a 3.6 GPA, I work out of my apartment as an IT Tech 30 hours a week, I've been lucky enough to maintain a 3 year relationship with my girlfriend as well....I smoke everyday, morning noon and night, and I have since I was probably 15.......anybody who thinks you can't function 'normally' on marijuana is an idiot


Active Member
From then on it's never been a big deal. Just like you said, you can smoke as much weed as you want as long as you have your priorities straight.......

I'm a junior in college with a 3.6 GPA, I work out of my apartment as an IT Tech 30 hours a week, I've been lucky enough to maintain a 3 year relationship with my girlfriend as well....I smoke everyday, morning noon and night, and I have since I was probably 15.......anybody who thinks you can't function 'normally' on marijuana is an idiot
your so right man... i honestly think since i started smoking more often that my mind has been opened up to a different world. Im a Junior in high school (started school late). I let my parents kno i smoke the herb, and brought information and facts with me to make them feel better about it. Theyre alright with it, because they know how responsible i am about wut i do.

Let me give u a little insight into my academic life. all of grade school i was a straight A student, come high school i started careing more about girls and drinking and parties more then school. my grades now are terrible, i simply dont try. I dont write my notes like im told to, and i dont do homework. I listen in class and wont get a lower then a 75 on tests. Teachers in my school are so biased its not even funny (no its not just me making up excuses) im a very respectful person, but if im not being respected as well, ill tell u off. < teachers dont like that part about me, so theyll screw with my grades, and theres no way to fight it. Lately when i go to school i feel like im there with a bunch of immature children, and im one of the few mature people there. It drives me nuts.

Ive been talking to my dad, and ive decided that im dropping out, getting my GED, and going to a 4 year college to get my bussiness degree. I kno what i want out of life, and im going to get it. Ive just felt so grown up lately, that it scares me.

Marijuana has changed me..... for the better.

Thanks for listening to me, and sorry for pretty much stealing a thread, i just saw jomals post and it triggered me to tell everyone, even tho no1 cares. lol



Well-Known Member
Go get it man

You're the only one who can stop yourself

I wouldn't recommend dropping out of high school though.....even though you're still getting your GED


Well-Known Member
yea man stay in school. its the way to go wether you like the people there or not, you will pretty much find that no matter what you do lol. and back to the girlfriends dad...

Just straight up ask him if he would like to smoke with you. I mean why wouldn't you? Any real man wouldn't be a bitch back to you just for asking. And if he is a total dick when you ask. Fuck him and the girl, u dont need that shit man.


Well-Known Member
Lmao. Wow. Thats one way to put it.

But, I think I will wait. Or, wait until he is OBVIOUSLY stoned.

Or ninja my way around until I catch him :clap: