So now my plant has calcium deficiency?


Hi, first time grower here. So it’s like everyday now it’s another issue and dilemma with this plant. Just noticed this little spot on one of the leaves. I did some research and according to google it’s most likely calcium deficiency. Keep in mind I made a post here the other day about the first two leaves slightly crumbling but you guys said it was fine. The mixture of my soil is miracle garden soil. The one that feeds for 3 months. Some perlite, used coffee grounds, and some sand from a river bank. I also water it with Poland spring water. What do I need to change?
mail me that stack behind your plant, and I would be glad to help :).

just kidding. It might be cal-mag deficiency but my guess is it is nutrient burn.

from (which you should read in it's entirety)

"Avoid Miracle-Gro! Do not use “Miracle-Gro” soil or any soil that has “extended-release” nutrients for growing cannabis. These types of soil will continue to release nitrogen to your plant roots for up to 6 months. This can cause deficiencies or burn your cannabis plants in the flowering/budding stage, reducing your overall yields. I have seen growers successively grow cannabis in Miracle-Gro, but many of them struggled with nutrient problems in the flowering stage."

Ideally you would want to add coffee grounds to a compost pile or worm farm. It can have some benefits adding directly to your pots but not as much as if its broken down by decomposition first.
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mail me that stack behind your plant, and I would be glad to help :).

just kidding. It might be cal-mag deficiency but my guess is it is nutrient burn.

from (which you should read in it's entirety)

"Avoid Miracle-Gro! Do not use “Miracle-Gro” soil or any soil that has “extended-release” nutrients for growing cannabis. These types of soil will continue to release nitrogen to your plant roots for up to 6 months. This can cause deficiencies or burn your cannabis plants in the flowering/budding stage, reducing your overall yields. I have seen growers successively grow cannabis in Miracle-Gro, but many of them struggled with nutrient problems in the flowering stage."

Ideally you would want to add coffee grounds to a compost pile or worm farm. It can have some benefits adding directly to your pots but not as much as if its broken down by decomposition first.
What soil do you recommend I use? I’m on a budget here and don’t want to spend $50 for some soil at least not for my first time growing Is there anything good I can get from retail stores for like $10 or something?
Na I’m on a budget

FoxFarm is literally $10-15 a bag if you go to a hydro shop. Like anything else in life, you get out what you put in. As the link I sent stated, it will work in Miracle Gro, you are just gonna be dealing with issues like you posted. It will still flower, so if $ is really that tight then just leave it in there and ride it out.

Also not trying to be rude. But why would you post like $20K in cash sitting next to your plant and then say your broke? Something not adding up.
Man ... I have to say, its pretty ballsy to post a stack of hundos like that then state you can't swing a $15 bag of soil ... but anyways, MG will work in a pinch but err on the dry side, the nutes are actually moisture released, not time release, so every time you water they feed the plant. Im also of the opinion you should switch soils to be honest but it seems like your going to resist that idea.

Do not feed CalMag to a plant in MG, its usually heavy on the N so you'll just burn your plant more.
Also, the sand from a river bank was unnecessary and probably a bad idea, especially if this is an indoor plant ... who knows what you may have picked up there
If this plant is an outdoor you're going to run across the occasional nibble from insects, which is what this looks like to me.
How deep is that pot? Make sure you're letting it fully dry out between waterings