So.... really what is the big deal with all the extracts?


Well-Known Member
I have to admit I have made many forms of extracts in the last 2 years from BHO (now illegal) to cold water keif extraction iso etc..

perhaps it is just me with a high tolerance for this stuff but there is not one extract that I have found to be any better then the others.
Sure a bit difference in taste (love the cold water and ISO taste) but the keif is nice too none of them have a better "payload" for me then the other yet I still will make hash for the taste and concentration of thc
I cant really agree to the idea of it being you get out what you put into it beacuse I have had more then 10-15 types of hash and they all work the same

do the variations of extractions really make a difference or is it just personal prefs?

if I make 5g of hash with iso and use the same plant to make 5g of cold water or another extraction style if the hash going to miraculously change somehow and be better? NO, So.... really what is the big deal with all the extracts?
Do you use an oil dome or concentrate bowl? I did not really get into concentrates until I discovered these.
Do you use an oil dome or concentrate bowl? I did not really get into concentrates until I discovered these.

I dont personally own one, however my MMJ grow-mentor owns a few various types or domes and other fun stuff, but he also agrees with me about there being really no difference in ways hash is made it is all going to be the same weather you smoke hash or the plant one will just get you high quicker.
They all might get you similarly high but they taste and smoke very differently to me. I've run batches from the same plant of BHO, QWISO, and dry ice hash and they were all very different in how they smoked. The high isn't everything...
you can make hash with any kind of weed. It doesnt matter how you extract it from the strain of plant its still going to give off that same high. I recently switched to concentrates bout 3 weeks ago. I plan on just making hash with my Bud and doin dabs, i only have to do a few throughout the day, rather than smoking bowl after bowl and joint.
I prefer BHO. Kief burns to harsh and fast for me. Pressed up kief is nice, preserves a lot of flavor but not super pure (unless you have a really fine screen and only rub a little). Bubble hash is good but I feel it takes out to much flavor. Made one batch of the dry ice and liked the higher grades a lot but didn't care for the fact I got the weaker stuff too, with BHO it all kicks ass. Haven't smoked ISO in years but wasn't a huge fan (someone else made it). I'm sure when don't correctly with the same weed the difference is small and a matter of preference or how easy it is. BHO and dry ice in bubblebags have made my favorites.
Agreed all concentrates get you VERY medicated FAST. However I also agree that there is much more to concentrate use than the overall potent effect. To me the BIG reason to do dabs is health. I will only dab Ice Water Extract (IWE) from organic cannabis. I have tried all forms of concentrates as well and this is by far my preferred method of fast potent pain relief. I must also point out that the quality of any extract is fully dependent on the input cannabis and skill of the (preferably organic) farmer.

My proof of greater health can be exemplified by my oil rig. Its my glass on glass JBD with a perc and adaptors for a 18mm quartz nail and top load dome. My water RO water stays 100% clear and although I still like to change it frequently I have gone for weeks just to see and it stays glass clear. The residue in the perc is a clear peach color when I went the longest time without cleaning and also the perc water stays clear. The residue in my piece is a light golden color. The residue in the adaptor is straight up angel hair amber colored hash "oil". Consuming concentrate avoids the user combusting unnecessary plant fiber, instead just vaping/combusting the active resins. Cutting the plant fibers out is great for our health, this to me is the #1 reason in addition to potency to use concentrates vs flowers. I prefer to separate the glands from the fiber physically in cold RO water producing very pure IWE of all the strains I grow. Win for natural and pure pressures, temperatures, and "solvents".

I WILL NOT dab or consume BHO because of the solvent (usually not even pure butane) corrupting the glands and being an unhealthy residual. I have tried professionally vacuum purged, tamisium, all that, and I can still tell by how the "vapor" feels and how my head feels on these products that the cannabis resins have been tainted with manmade petrochemical solvent. Plus its unreal sketchy how fast the stuff "vaporizes" once it hits the nail, to me its proof there are still trace solvents in the product. To each his own though it gets the JOB DONE well, I am just an organic snob in more ways than cannabis. Also, both Subcool and Soma confirm actual lung problems they each associate with consuming large amounts of BHO (primary cannabis use of BHO for stretches). Of course this claim is being made on top of a lifetime of smoking flowers and other stuff in addition to the BHO. Dab on, however you see fit!