So the guy at the bank totally knew. . .


Active Member
Recently made a trip to the bank to send some money to a bitcoin exchange. The guy at the bank kept mentioning the patriot act the whole time, which I didnt think was a big deal since they always do that.

Anyway after everything was done, he says "So what is _____(insert bitcoin exchange name here)"
And I say "its a currency exchange"
Banker guy "like bitcoin?"
Me "yep."
Banker guy, he kind of laugh/hmmphs under his breath "I was just reading all about that last week"
Me "yeah its pretty neat"

He leaves and comes back with copies of everything to verify the transfer, mentions the patriot act again

then banker guys says "you know they're watching you"
me "oh i know they are, but we cant really avoid it at this point right?"
banker guy laughs.
Me "they've got all our emails and phone calls too, oh well"

We each smile at each other, have a little laugh and say have a nice day.

He totally knew what was up, or at least he thought he did.

I just thought it was funny and wanted to share, anyone else have any similar experiences when doing sketchy business?


Well-Known Member
Fuck with him next time..say shit like 'i hope I can transfer the ransom money..terrorists don't fuck around...' or..'do you know if asian hookers can accept tips(no pun intended)...or my favorite...'dont worry bout what the fuck I be doing,this right here is finally paying off the hit on the last nosey mo fo...'


Well-Known Member
Fuck that guy. Tell him to mind his own business and you are a law abiding tax payer!


Well-Known Member
I really dislike those people who put on 'airs' for their own egotistical satisfaction..that's like going to a pharmacy and being questioned on why you're buying ribbed condoms or some other shit you don't wanna be asked about..fucking pinocchio mother fuckers if ya ask me...


Why tell the bank you're buying btc?
It's usually pretty clear where the money is going when you do a wire transfer, when sending money to {insert random bitcoin exchange here} its pretty clear what there main business is and whats the point in denying it ? If you get all defensive or paranoid with the teller he will just red flag the transfer which will alert the feds who will take a closer look at you. If you are paying for bitcoin via your bank the feds already know who you are, being a douche to a teller who is being friendly if slightly nosy is never wise and will only bring more scrutiny upon yourself.

For cannabis growers who by nature want little attention being rude and defensive is never a wise move and I am surprised by the response. Though it would be amusing to fuck with him jokingly about ransoms, extortion or paying off a hitman, they are required to report illegal activity whether or not they think your serious.

Edit: If you are going to engage in illegal, questionable or possibly embarrassing activities it is never wise to stand out from the crowd.


I think the teller recognized the destination for the currency? Or the teller is dpr's
undoubtedly his bank has a list of known virtual currency dealers, they'll just file the forms as required by law and that will be that.

From what I understand about international funds transfers and currency exchange laws they are legally required to make a note of the fund transfer. I would be surprised if they cared what he was doing with the bitcoins though.


Well-Known Member
It was a joke say the 'T' word in any institution and you get detained..fuck where's sam kinnison when ya need him..?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure there has to be a warrant to have your financial records paper work by the bank..and who would go to a bank who would give away finacial records?...


Well-Known Member
If all it takes is mandation by the law to disclose the destination of currency,dpr would still be free...


Active Member
as far as i know its perfectly legal to buy bitcoins so i could really care less what the dude thought. and yes rory i would have loved to joke with him about some crazy shit. its just a wire transfer, no paperwork or anything will be filed, not red flags, not sure why people are so paranoid.

really seemed like he was trying to hint at something though, who knows maybe he uses the currency himself, he was probably a seller on SR or something - now that would be funny


Well-Known Member
Atm info? Account info? The possibilities are out there..
I woulda asked to see his manager,and then ask the manager for info on I.r.a's or mortgages or something..just outside of earshot..make him sweat a


Well-Known Member
It's usually pretty clear where the money is going when you do a wire transfer, when sending money to {insert random bitcoin exchange here} its pretty clear what there main business is and whats the point in denying it ? If you get all defensive or paranoid with the teller he will just red flag the transfer which will alert the feds who will take a closer look at you. If you are paying for bitcoin via your bank the feds already know who you are, being a douche to a teller who is being friendly if slightly nosy is never wise and will only bring more scrutiny upon yourself.

For cannabis growers who by nature want little attention being rude and defensive is never a wise move and I am surprised by the response. Though it would be amusing to fuck with him jokingly about ransoms, extortion or paying off a hitman, they are required to report illegal activity whether or not they think your serious.

Edit: If you are going to engage in illegal, questionable or possibly embarrassing activities it is never wise to stand out from the crowd.
I've never been asked anything when making a deposit for a local btc purchase. I sure as hell haven't used my real name. I'm sure I'm on camera but that's a bit ridiculous to worry about. There were businesses with cameras by were I used to cop dope too.