SO This guys a fucking idiot


Well-Known Member
downsized_0508131613.jpg SO the user named KJB1981 sent me a message saying the following "If you ever have problems moving any product and you got grade A let me know im on the east coast as well and had dealings in cali as well but that is to hot cali is a flagg in the usps so i dont bother anymore. If you have good quality let me know we can make it happen!"

Let me explain how moronic you are kind sir, if anything is going to get law enforcement onto this website its going to be because of people like you trying to sling pot to abunch of high schoolers and college kids that when they get caught theyll drop your name and your dumbass gets caught you will point fingers and itll all come down to where you met this person and when this site is brought up your just guna be making our place of knowledge and information nothing but a fucking IP trap, so take your shit and get it out of here besides a majority of the people on here grow for themselves or LEGAL!!! Patients
Hahaha to funny dealings on the west coast huh? If he has hook ups why does he need u. So first possbility is he is a cop or lol he actually thinks u will send him some and what's he going to send u money threw money gram either way u or him have go first either money or meds who's going to trust that I wouldn't same with other people. So ur rite but it doesn't matter bc he will stop using that name and create another to carry on stupid shit.
This idiocy occurs occasionally....we had to prema-ban a similar idiot on The Shroomery just today.

The heads-up was a good idea.
