So This Morning I Found About 25+ plants


Well-Known Member
i was heading home from work, i was taking the backroads to avoid traffic so as i driving down this road i see a little path into the middle of nowhere, no house just all bush i whip the car around and park it on the side of the road like im going to piss and walk threw this little trail literally like 5 ft long and see atleast 25 or more plants i dident check it out that good 3 ft high almost mature, i immeditaly went back to my car n drove off, im reallllly tempted to go get them, i doubt there somebodys personal, mite go back tonight im just a little ify about it cause alot of the asian gangs grow and set traps and shit


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Thats would make you a low life thief of the worse kind. If they were that easy to find they may even be being watched.Stay away and grow your own. If they are there in another 30 days when they are no longer growing then maybe but not now as its the end of growing season so harvests will happen in next 30 or so days


Well-Known Member
i do have my own, but this is on random land jus in the open, im suprised my regions chopped hasnt picked it up yet i guess ill wait it out tho and see, but than again is it is one of thoose asian gangs doing it im gonna be pissed i dident take it, thoose fuckers poison alota people


New Member the 50th time i seen a thread ''I FOUND THESE PLANTS'' or ''LOOK AT THE PLANTS I JUS FOUND ''
What if someone ''found'' your plants?


Too many brownies
Thats would make you a low life thief of the worse kind. If they were that easy to find they may even be being watched.Stay away and grow your own. If they are there in another 30 days when they are no longer growing then maybe but not now as its the end of growing season so harvests will happen in next 30 or so days
Dude filthy fletch that picture you have as your avator is on one of the porn forums I go on and it is a 16-17 year old girl I forget. hahaha they had more pictures of her and she is hot as shit. :fire:


Well-Known Member
wow you guys are ragging on me for finding plants? that i stumbled across, but your both looking up "16-17" year old girls naked? now whos fucked up? you guys are sick


New Member
well i jus turned 18 .. so i dont see a problem lookin at 17 year old girls..
on the other hand!! Your stealin plants1!! thats jus wrong!


Well-Known Member
P.S, i was only commenting on the plant situation. not the naked girl. but yeah naked girls... thats fine lmao........


Well-Known Member
well i jus turned 18 .. so i dont see a problem lookin at 17 year old girls..
on the other hand!! Your stealin plants1!! thats jus wrong!

lol alright good your young i take that back than, if you were 30 it would be diff situation, and im not stealing them if you could read i said im tempted to take them


Well-Known Member
I'm on the fence with the stealing part. Cool find none the less. Where do you live I'm not far away? heheheh. didn't think ne one would find them, don't touch and i'll give ya some. jk.

Maybe run in there and fill a small bag er something. don't get greedy. Actually I wouldn't, odds are your karma for stealing will be taking the heat for the asians you don't care for. If you found it just like that It's most likely being monitored and now that you were there you could be part of the investigation? Not to scare ya but it's something to think about.
There is a guy from around here (non toker good guy) was telling my buddie in coffee shop talk that he found a few plants on his property so he called the cops, and that they told him to leave them and that they would monitor it and get em harvesting. he was bragging. Little did he know those are a friend of mines plants. He is going to try gettin in there in the middle of the night in a costume and get em. daring bugger. Nice round about heads up tho.:bigjoint:

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
25 plants... 3 feet tall

ummmm at least 12lbs maybe 30lbs maybe 50 lbs of seeded bud.. or maybe chronic

street value at 50 an 1/8 for chronic.. ummmmmmmm

thats $400 an ounce
$6400 an lb
12 X's 6400 = $76,800
50 X's $6400 = $320,000

probably could getkilled for taking that.. just a thoght to consider

and before anybody starts coming on here saying that $50 an 1/8this a rip off... just relax...

it is the going price in CALI for chronic.... very very standard.. this aintyour daddys shwag..
