So what's you drying technique ?


This is a crucial make or break point in producing a fine and satisfying product.

Please share your methods and tips,
Let's spread the knowledge and share the love !!


Well-Known Member
Slow. Ya you can dry herb in under a week and have it in jars by the end of the second week. But I'm in no rush. I actually go great lengths to extend my drying times. Just tastes better....


Well-Known Member
Yep the slower the better. Since i trim mine before drying they dry faster. But i try to at least let mine dry for a good week to ten days. I try to keep my temps around 65-70 and my humidity around 60. Just beware of bud rot.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are drying too fast (like mine were) I just put the buds in a cardboard box with a hole cut into the top. Open the box and move the buds around 2 times a day and you can extend your dry. It works for me.


If your plants are drying too fast (like mine were) I just put the buds in a cardboard box with a hole cut into the top. Open the box and move the buds around 2 times a day and you can extend your dry. It works for me.
I actually dry mine spaced out in pizza boxes lol after a few days hanging in a drying rack


Well-Known Member
I built a chamber similar to ones used when fermenting tobacco. I have a digital controller hooked up to turn on a ceramic heater when temps get too low and a fan that comes on about every 3-4 hours. Temps stay around 70-80 and humidity is maintained around 50-62%


I built a chamber similar to ones used when fermenting tobacco. I have a digital controller hooked up to turn on a ceramic heater when temps get too low and a fan that comes on about every 3-4 hours. Temps stay around 70-80 and humidity is maintained around 50-62%
Sound awesome but a bit complex for the majority


Well-Known Member
I built a chamber similar to ones used when fermenting tobacco. I have a digital controller hooked up to turn on a ceramic heater when temps get too low and a fan that comes on about every 3-4 hours. Temps stay around 70-80 and humidity is maintained around 50-62%
Yea that's badass, did you use any DiY reference or just went balls deep?


Well-Known Member
I string up a bunch of lines all over my house. I have the plants upside down on the string to where they don't touch each other or barley touch each other. I have a fan not blowing on them but just moving the air around. I keep the ac in my house set to 74. after 5 day I start to trim and they are still a tiny bit damp so after I trim I put the bud on big slabs of card board. after 2 days on the board its bone dry and I put it in turkey bags. burp it for around 3 days if I havnt sold it by then.

Budget Buds

Well-Known Member
Cut into manageable sections and remove fan leaves. It allows a slower more even dry. then trim the sugar leaves and manicure the bud. Put into glass jars with a 62% Humidity pack and forget about it till it is needed :) BB