So whats your guess on this.. take a shot.

If a seed breeder says that one of there plants would be ready for harvest in the middle of September, and you did not want a big plant because you only wanted to veg for one month and a half and flower for one month and a half up to two months, and your were located in the northern hemisphere what would be your date of planting a successful germinated seed? any ideas? any one? :-o:leaf::-o


Active Member
You gotta do the math and work backwards from your harvest date... Only problem is that you will need to take into account the longer daylight hours in summer, those might prevent you from flowering when you wish


Well-Known Member
IME in the Northeast, flowering will start around the 2nd week of August, so count from Aug 15th for flowering as a general rule of thumb. If you want a month and a half of veg, go for July 1st start date, and you'll have smaller sized plants that should do just fine. If height is an issue, I'd top your plants around August 7th, as this will slightly slow the stretch down a bit. I've seen 3 foot plants with a bit of Sativa in em go to 9 feet by harvest time, so keep this in mind depending on genetics.

An 8 week flowerer, I'd imagine will be ready 1st or 2nd week of october. Also, if mostly indica, be aware of late season rains. If you have daily access to your plants, try to (gently) shake off an overnight rain shower in the mornings to lessen the chance of mold and bud rot once they start bulking up.