socal heat stress. best strains for socal heat. am i up to date on size ?

hey my first year growing. im doing 99 plants all outdoor. summer is harsh here. tarps, fans, hay on soil, etc. fighting the heat. just wanna see if there doing good or im just fucked on a big investment. i have girl scout, la cookies, disney, blue dream, white fire, all females. im using fox farm soil, 1 galloon of water ph at 6. sea kelp folar spray, teas. im seeing heat stress still. new leaves and older leaves begin to curl up real bad. the plants are at 90 degrees between 12-4 then return to a 79 degree then it drops at night to 60. so im just really worried about growth stunt yield size and just overall plant health. here are the measurements june 17- girl scout 2ft 2 inches. and then june 29- 3ft 4inches, july 7- no growth seen, july 15- 3ft 7 inches. theres no pattern to the growth. july7- la cookies 2ft 11inches (2 at the size) then another two at 2ft 6 inches the other strains are doing very well in heat like disney and white fire. its 100+ here mostly all summer. note to growers girl scout is the strongest and tallest plant i have. i like this strain its my favorite and i suggest this to growers. disney comes second it just doesnt burn or show signs of heat stress. blue dream was supposed to cope heat but its getting fucked over. i need insight or advice. ill post more pictures just let me know what you wanna see. 100% legal medicinal cultivaton.



Well-Known Member
soooo . are right in the sand? are you using a moisture probe?
scoped for bugs?

hey my first year growing. im doing 99 plants all outdoor. summer is harsh here. tarps, fans, hay on soil, etc. fighting the heat. just wanna see if there doing good or im just fucked on a big investment. i have girl scout, la cookies, disney, blue dream, white fire, all females. im using fox farm soil, 1 galloon of water ph at 6. sea kelp folar spray, teas. im seeing heat stress still. new leaves and older leaves begin to curl up real bad. the plants are at 90 degrees between 12-4 then return to a 79 degree then it drops at night to 60. so im just really worried about growth stunt yield size and just overall plant health. here are the measurements june 17- girl scout 2ft 2 inches. and then june 29- 3ft 4inches, july 7- no growth seen, july 15- 3ft 7 inches. theres no pattern to the growth. july7- la cookies 2ft 11inches (2 at the size) then another two at 2ft 6 inches the other strains are doing very well in heat like disney and white fire. its 100+ here mostly all summer. note to growers girl scout is the strongest and tallest plant i have. i like this strain its my favorite and i suggest this to growers. disney comes second it just doesnt burn or show signs of heat stress. blue dream was supposed to cope heat but its getting fucked over. i need insight or advice. ill post more pictures just let me know what you wanna see. 100% legal medicinal cultivaton.


Well-Known Member
wow I don't understand, its 113 where im at and the plants freaked out HUGE HUGE HUGANTIC
How hot is it where you are? Mine are 6 foot tall and 10 foot wide.

Its so hot I thought I was about to stroke out and had to sit in the dirt as I was dying...

You need to scope and look for russet mites.
OR your spray is not needed. Are the new groth curled up then look better later on?
I had a green house and used bug spray and they got funny looking.

I had russets and used floromite once and gone.
I know its a nasty spray but they put it on all commercial lettuce under a different brand.


Active Member
They look fine, when did you plant them? I'm in northern Cali 120° last month and hella hot so far this month. Lol. But I find most strains acclimate fine as long as they are watered frequently. Mine are all 6-10 ft tall now. But there are plenty of California genetics that do great in this climate.
Happy growing :-)


Well-Known Member
They look fine, when did you plant them? I'm in northern Cali 120° last month and hella hot so far this month. Lol. But I find most strains acclimate fine as long as they are watered frequently. Mine are all 6-10 ft tall now. But there are plenty of California genetics that do great in this climate.
Happy growing :-)
Looks like some serious plant damage in pic2. Doesn't look just fine to me. Looks pretty bad actually.

Op. I'm in the foothills in San diego county and have no problem with the heat. Lots of good soil and water are big helpers. I'm running 100 gals and up. Not sure about your boxes but they look light on quality soil. And like Joe said get a scope on those damaged plants asap.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'd bet anything that's russets. Get a powerful scope and check under the leaves especially near the viens. That's what makes the leaves curl like they are. Heat won't do that outdoors. As long as a plant has adequate root space and airflow they can handle almost any temps nature can throw at them. I've never seen a plant look like that other than russets. Sorry.

Get some Flying Skull brand NukeEm or Big Time exterminator because those are organic things that I have seen first hand win against the russets. I wouldn't use anything like avid or floromite when there are safer effective ways to control this. The nuke em can be sprayed all through flower. Don't mix it with any other sprays. 2or 3 tbs per gallon.

I'd get a Hudson fogger if you
don't already have one. It will make easy work of spraying all those plants.
soooo . are right in the sand? are you using a moisture probe?
scoped for bugs?
Alright let me answer some questions for us real quick. The holes were drilled out and soil was dumped right in. Did I mess up? I don't have a moisture probe I'll look in to that. But I do scope for bugs every day. We had ants eat a baby plant but we got rid of them. Had a golpher, killed me, had some grasshoppers, but God blessed us with praying mantises killing everything. So as of right were good on bugs/ rodents(knock on wood)
wow I don't understand, its 113 where im at and the plants freaked out HUGE HUGE HUGANTIC
How hot is it where you are? Mine are 6 foot tall and 10 foot wide.

Its so hot I thought I was about to stroke out and had to sit in the dirt as I was dying...

You need to scope and look for russet mites.
OR your spray is not needed. Are the new groth curled up then look better later on?
I had a green house and used bug spray and they got funny looking.

I had russets and used floromite once and gone.
I know its a nasty spray but they put it on all commercial lettuce under a different brand.
I can give you some specific reads 2morrow on the leave temp and soil temp during the day. Last time leaves were 90+ but they cool down around 4 too 70 when we water. We just put 2 24inch fans for air flow.and added tarp on top pretty much shading all the females. Still we are seeing heat stress. And bugs on the veins I would see that I have a good eye. But I'll check again. Good point. Also the folar spray is showing so much improvement I THINK but the new growth is growing good. I have a couple that are burnt but the new leaves grew back beautiful and big. But you mentioning the spray on the plants rings a bell because we sprayed garlic and onion on them. Idk why the higher up ordered it.
They look fine, when did you plant them? I'm in northern Cali 120° last month and hella hot so far this month. Lol. But I find most strains acclimate fine as long as they are watered frequently. Mine are all 6-10 ft tall now. But there are plenty of California genetics that do great in this climate.
Happy growing :-)
We planted may. A lil late. And wow 6-10ft I'm so worried at this point. We water every 2 days a gallon and half. Any ideas on what I will yeild there reaching 4 ft rn what's expected full growth you think. All advice and experience is welcome.
Yeah I'd bet anything that's russets. Get a powerful scope and check under the leaves especially near the viens. That's what makes the leaves curl like they are. Heat won't do that outdoors. As long as a plant has adequate root space and airflow they can handle almost any temps nature can throw at them. I've never seen a plant look like that other than russets. Sorry.

Get some Flying Skull brand NukeEm or Big Time exterminator because those are organic things that I have seen first hand win against the russets. I wouldn't use anything like avid or floromite when there are safer effective ways to control this. The nuke em can be sprayed all through flower. Don't mix it with any other sprays. 2or 3 tbs per gallon.

I'd get a Hudson fogger if you
don't already have one. It will make easy work of spraying all those plants.
I'm really hoping it isn't. Thank you for the suggestion Ima look into it ASAP. Thank you fellow greenthumb


Well-Known Member
We planted may. A lil late. And wow 6-10ft I'm so worried at this point. We water every 2 days a gallon and half. Any ideas on what I will yeild there reaching 4 ft rn what's expected full growth you think. All advice and experience is welcome.
not enough water . i water my whole canopy too like rain in the morning ... the amt of mulch you use affects alot too... get a 100x scope and look for broad/russet mites if watering alot more (10 gallons per plant . ) dont set you right..
The heat is just too extreme. The sand is 130 degrees outside the hay square. Do you think ill be better off without having the tarp and fans. And it's brought the temp down and stopped the growth stunt do to the heat. ? Let me know what you think. Thank you
View attachment 3460580Big plants come from lots of good soil, water and a good pest maintenence/prevention plan. So cal in the pic. No shade cloth, no fans, misters, or anything else to keep them cool.


Well-Known Member
The heat is just too extreme. The sand is 130 degrees. The fans And the tarp brought down the temp. Do you think I'll be better off without all the extras ?
should have ammend the SOIL not the enviroment... 1 1/2 gallons ! shit i foliar with 4 gallons to 12 plants and fertigate (root feed ) with 55 gallons to 12 plants .... big plants in sand need big water...
should have ammend the SOIL not the enviroment... 1 1/2 gallons ! shit i foliar with 4 gallons to 12 plants and fertigate (root feed ) with 55 gallons to 12 plants .... big plants in sand need big water...
We definitely have miter mites:(. And watering more could solve some things. Under the suspected infected leaves there are a sap like substance leaking out. What is this do you know.
not enough water . i water my whole canopy too like rain in the morning ... the amt of mulch you use affects alot too... get a 100x scope and look for broad/russet mites if watering alot more (10 gallons per plant . ) dont set you right..
Thank you so much
not enough water . i water my whole canopy too like rain in the morning ... the amt of mulch you use affects alot too... get a 100x scope and look for broad/russet mites if watering alot more (10 gallons per plant . ) dont set you right..[/QUOTE
Yeah I'd bet anything that's russets. Get a powerful scope and check under the leaves especially near the viens. That's what makes the leaves curl like they are. Heat won't do that outdoors. As long as a plant has adequate root space and airflow they can handle almost any temps nature can throw at them. I've never seen a plant look like that other than russets. Sorry.

Get some Flying Skull brand NukeEm or Big Time exterminator because those are organic things that I have seen first hand win against the russets. I wouldn't use anything like avid or floromite when there are safer effective ways to control this. The nuke em can be sprayed all through flower. Don't mix it with any other sprays. 2or 3 tbs per gallon.

I'd get a Hudson fogger if you
don't already have one. It will make easy work of spraying all those plants.
We ended up having the miter mites :(. Thanks for the brands so much. I just bought the nuke em from flying skull. I appreciate your knowledge please continue to help out.


Well-Known Member
You are on the right track this year for keeping them cool. Next year more soil, more water. Your number one concern should be pests right now. Take care or them before you lose anymore crops.