Soft and Squishy Stems


I am growing 11 Agent Orange plants in coco coir using LST i.e. tying down and right now I am currently in my first week of flowering. I had them vegging for almost 2 months due to problems with my PH being too low and nutrient lock out. The plants seem to have recovered fine. They are growing and lush and green. The only thing is the stems are really soft, squishy and flimsy. My ph is currently between 5.8-6.3 and there are no other signs of any nute deficiency i.e. yellowing, dying leaves, purple stems etc. etc. Other than that they seem perfectly healthy. Does anyone have any ideas what it might be and is there anything I can do about it so it won't end up costing me during flowering?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
are the stems just weak and flimsy or are they squishy, like pudding filled straws?

if they are just flimsy, up the recirculating fan's power and point that shit at them. they need some wind stress to become stong so they can hold up your nuggs.

if they are squishy or just plain pudding-like, you may have fungal issues.


yeah I've got a fan on them so that's not it. I thought maybe I was over watering them so I let the coco dry out but now I don't think that was it either. I'm cluesless.