Soil and fertilizer


Active Member
Using alltreat premium soil and the plants are 16 days old from seed and are autoflower strains. This soil already is fertilized so do I need to add more at any time?? If so can i get what i need at canadian tire or zellers or anywhere that sells plant food?


Well-Known Member
Your soil bag should have a N-P-K value somewhere, maybe back? its nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous, dependsing on how much your soil has depends if you need to add some.

As far as buying some, I dont know what canadian tire or zellers would have sorry, Home depot/ lowes has stuff, go with fish emulsions if you cant afford the right nutrients. Or just a all purpose fert for veg and a bloom for flower something like, 5-3-1 would be good for veg 1-3-3 would be good for bloom. I use Fox farm grow big till about week 4 in flower of my grow and Foxfarm big bloom once it hits flower, i find with just bigbloom in flower it doesnt have enough nitrogen.

The way i remember NPK is N is for foilage P is for Roots and K is for Flowers. Not completely accurate with cannabis but just about with everything else, You want more N than P and K and more P than K in Veg, and Less N and about the same P and K for flowering. When you get about done DONT FORGET TO FLUSH. Flushing takes all the built up salts and some nutrients out of the soil so when you harvest you cant taste the fertilizers.

If you have any other questions or need any help PM me always willing to help a fellow growers. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Most have nutes for 2 months. I don't like ones with time release nutes but thats what ya got. You can get General Organics Go pack for when yoou see them running out. Add perlite 20% and dolomite 1 tbsp per gallon. Also inoculate with a beneficial microbes. Blue Sage Microbes has free samples now. Order online. Flush soil before you use it in case it's hot.

professor greenfist

Active Member
Hilltop I am using the ff trio you mentioned feeding nitrogen till 4ty week of flowering do I wait till then. to feed big bloom and tiger bloom? Also I heard I could use one of the bloomers for root growth on clones n seedlings this is the first time using ff nutes also I was shipped the hydro big grow instead of the soil bottle so can I use this in my fast draining medium I usually water every day ? Thanks Hilltop or n e one willing to help any help is greatly appreciated.what's that saying something like smoke with a man get him high once teach a man to grow get him high forever


Well-Known Member
i personally use Big bloom in flower, some people don't, you can use big bloom or tiger bloom in veg, it wont burn our plant just dont go full strength outta the gate, little does alot.

Experiment a little with your strain, deprive it of a little nitrogen in veg then add a little till goes normal. Some strains i grow dont need alot of N in flower, My Greencrack doesnt need it at all with FFOF soil, My CSS on the other hand cant get enough of it. its all strain dependent. Dont feed every watering, i usually feed every second or third.

You can use big bloom very very diluted with some superthrive for clones, thats what i use, with rockwool. Works great

professor greenfist

Active Member
I have some superthrive haven't used it because there is no direct instructions for clones I have some clones in solo cups n some in mini cloners made of coffee cans so how much do I add