Soil Blend/Nutrient Question


Well-Known Member
What's up guys?

I'm currently getting ready to start my grow (waiting on seeds). I have a couple questions about my soil blend and nutrient combination.

I plan to use:
1 Bag FF Ocean Forest
1 Bag FF Light Warrior
25% Perlite
3-4 tbsp Dolomite Lime

And for nutrients:
Jack's Classic 20-20-20 & Jack's Bloom Booster 10-30-20

My question is:
I've read in a few places that using jacks often leads to a cal/mag issue. If that's the case (or usually the case) what can I do to help with it? What will I need to add to the soil to make up for the deficiency?

Also, other than any cal/mag issues I might come across, is there any other glaring oversights you see based on this combination of soil & nutrients.




Well-Known Member
I did one run with JBB. I did have cal mag issues but I never thought it was the root cause. This time around I did mix a good amount of cal mag to my soil mix.


Well-Known Member
:lol: They're currently in the dirt. I'll let you know when they are flowered. I think it should be good to go though.