Soil Growing - Pot Size


Well-Known Member
Hey all -

I'm having issues w/ plant size. In my attempt to make my plants bigger, I'm going to bigger pots to allow root growth. I've used 3 gallon pots and 5 gallon pots, but I see some pictures on here of bigger, healthier plants, in smaller pots.

What size pots do you guys use? I wanna go big, but the bigger I go, the less plants I can have at one time.


Well-Known Member
Lots of things can determine how healthy the plant is, big pot or small pot. 5 gallons seem to work just perfect for me, and that gives me room to let the plants get to about 5 feet with just enough space for roots. If you are concerned about space, you could try growing smaller plants, but more of them.

Also the way you water the plants can effect the roots. Watering nice, slow, and steady until water starts coming out of the bottom is a great way to water. Hope this helps