Soil not drying

Ok so I have 6 ladies all different strains from seeds i had...but 3 of my ladies are over 4' and tend to drink the water regularly...but my lil ones soil will not dry up and im unsure why....I didnt know if I should remove it from the pot and put new soil or what to do....If yone could give me possible suggestions of how to solve this problem would be great....

Also she the lil ones in the begininnig of the flowering stage took off into flowering then just stopped growing and jus producing flowers...They are all about 7 weeks into flower but this one is the most mature.....WP_000364.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are the smaller ones in the same size pots as the bigger ones? Are u giving them the same amount of water? 6 different strains right? Best guess is that some of them just aren't as thirsty as the others. Try cutting back the amount/frequency of waterings on ones that aren't using up as much. You don't want them water logged or that will cause bigger problems down the road.
ok and they are all in 5 gal pots....I recently flushed them just to be sure they wernt nut locked or anything like that...and since then i have had to water the bigger ones twice and have yet had to water the smaller ones....