Soil on a budget


Well-Known Member
This is my first outdoor grow and money is pretty tight. I know fox farms ocean forest is considered the best but its also priced pretty high too. ($20 a bag) What type of soil would you all suggest using on a budget? Would something like this do? Scotts Organic #72420570 20LB GP Pot Soil: Home Improvement

Also, I know people here add all sorts of nutes like bone meal, peralite, etc to the soil. For a total noob like myself could I get away with just using Tiger Bloom Fertilizer when the plants begin to flower?


Well-Known Member
i like Kellogg's garden soil. the landscaping size is a good deal. all natural. you get what you pay for, unfortunately for us on a budget.


Well-Known Member
I dunno man, I paid 12 bucks for a heaping bag of Fox Farms Ocean =\ maybe you should try shopping around elsewhere. Don't want to skimp out on soil imo. You'll be paying just as much for cheap soil, perlite and bone meal and still have a good chance of screwing up the mix. I'd save my pennies and go Fox Farm. Thats my .02.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions. The problem I have is that in my area theres only one shop that carries Fox Farms Ocean Forest and they overcharge for it. Also, they are pretty notorious around here for being a place for growers. Perhaps I'm just paranoid but I really don't feel like getting some idiot noob cop following me home and stalking me just to make a name for himself.. lol.

I'll try to find Kellogg's. If I can't locate it I'll just try to locate something similar. Worst case I get something that doesn't do too well and learn from it in the process. :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I understand. Well, any soil can work as long as it follows most basic needs for your plants. Just remember when you're purchasing your necessary items to use cash. That way you can be paranoid-free.


Well-Known Member
I have used that Kellogs soil from the hardware store before. It works fine. 5 bucks a bag. I grew some killer pot.


Well-Known Member
supersoil is pretty good. if u really must even some of the miraclegro stuff is okay. people always hate on it, but it is not completly awful, its useable


Well-Known Member
u could use expert gardener all purpose potting soil - yellow bag.

stay away from miracle-grow, it's like synthetic devil jizz in a bag... mixed with soil


Well-Known Member
dude everyone hates on MG because of time release. and i admit time release is not ideal or even desired. however, if all u can get is MG, its better than nothing. however, i do highly rec. getting other products.


Well-Known Member
I've been using MG since I started to grow and I haven't had no problums with MG at all, I trans plant them and I don't feed them for a few watering, some times I water them then feed them and yet I haven't had a problum with MG and the kind I get is 30% Organic so that's my $0.02 CND worth


Well-Known Member
awesome, looks like a got a ton to look for. It looks like Kellogg's first, supersoil or expert gardener second, or MG last. Thanks everyone! :D


Well-Known Member
yeah ppl hate on MG here all the time. sure its not as good as fox farms but w/e i have seen some MONSTERS grown in MG. just find some good looking stuff and ammend it yourself