Soil PH Fluctuations whilst cooking

How does the PH of organic soil typically change whilst cooking? Does it tick upwards or downwards?

Both my own custom soil mix and pre purchased super soil seem to give PH readings of 7-7.5. Both sets of soil have been watered twice (either calmag or bloom sea minerals added to RO) over about 1 week now. Will let them sit another 2 weeks before they will be used. My seedling mix however shows a perfect PH oh 6.5-6.8 so it must be the rock dust and/or extra oyster shell flour causing the higher PH to begin. Question is will it balance out fast enough? I am using a Hanna PH soil meter.

Got about 2 weeks until I need to transplant into these cooking pots and im also making more soils today to comapre and run alongside each either to find the perfect mix, so any changes you recommend? Looking for some pest resistance, good drainage and a lighter mix for both autos and photos to transplant into after 10-14 days from sprout that should keep them fully going for another 2 weeks, then starting flower around day 28-35 and begin feeding.

(all measurements per cuft = 7.5 gals soil)

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