Soil PH


Well-Known Member
about the same... to ph your soil i think that you check the runnoff ph and multiply the difference .

ie water is 7.0 soil runnoff is 9.0 then the soil ph is 10. and you plants is already dead


Well-Known Member
Wait, multiply what? How do you get 10 from 7.0 and 9.0? Doesn't make sense...


Well-Known Member
about the same... to ph your soil i think that you check the runnoff ph and multiply the difference .

ie water is 7.0 soil runnoff is 9.0 then the soil ph is 10. and you plants is already dead
that was a bit fast for me...

okay water neural, the drain is 9, why is than the ph of the soil 10???:confused:

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Nobody gets it. Because its not right. He messed up. Now we all have to go around trying to figure out what he was talking


Well-Known Member
You can get kits that will test your soil ph but why not just get good soil to start with or some other medium??

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
whats wrong with a soil ph mete...?
Well i don't know if you are asking me or not but I though you had to check the water ph and the soil ph. You can't check the soil ph with a water ph meter can you? So is there a meter to check both. Or can I just use a soil ph meter to check the water.


Well-Known Member
Water PH is can be checked with one of those PH/Chlorine test kits used for pools. I also bought a Soil PH kit that works on the same premise. Both were under $25.00