soil, soil mixtures, and nutrients... help?


Ive worked for plenty of people, and tried a couple different things, but am finally putting together my own set up :mrgreen: and am curious. I have ran a couple rooms on soil, some organic, some not so organic.
Im wondering what yall out there are using, the desired nutrient makeup, and what people out there are addin to it. vermaculite, perlite, coconut.

and maybe if we wanna talk about food and supplements, and feeding schedule, through veg and fruiting... its all gravy

love all the farmers, holla!


Well-Known Member
I use miracle grow with about 60% perlite. (plenty of oxygen for the roots)
And for veg nutes I use scotts all purpose plant food or something like that and I get great results. And for flower I use the same nutes but with rain water because of the nitrogen in it. The last two weeks I add molasses to the water to give them a boost. Hope I helped.


them boys down in florida been using amonia nitrate and chicken shit for years i seen plants that were 10 foot tall when i was a kid and now im damn near 50 ahhh... the good ole days