Soil to Hydro Transplant


Active Member
Ok, so i've just finished building my ebb and flow system.

I have white widow seeds germinating.

Here's where I get hung up..

I have three plants of beasters in soil that are five weeks old, from bagseed. They are looking well but I am tired of watering them. I have heard that most plants will survive gently washing the soil from the root system and transplanting into hydro. So i'm going to get a few net pots and try it with a couple of them.

But even if this works swimmingly, i've got my nutrient concentrations to worry about. The beasters will be about six weeks out in front of the hydro. Can they survive on the lower nutrient concentrations that i'm planning on using with my widow seedlings?

Is my plan feasible?


Well-Known Member
Dont think I can answer it all for you, but I have transplanted from soil to hydro without a problem, just rinsed the roots well in properly phd water and all was fine, but someone with more experience is going to have to answer you on the nutes


Well-Known Member
they will be able to survive ofcourse, just won't get as much nutrients as they could.
why dont u make 2 different systems?
1 for the more mature plants, and 1 for the ww's?
Im doing hydro right now with 2 homemade bubbleponics systems, and they were all transferd from soil to hydro. everythings amazing lol


Well-Known Member
They will slow down -my mums have lived for over 6 months on VERY weak tomato nutrients. They are very small and bushy, and will take off as soon as they are fed what they want.


Well-Known Member
I just transferred from soil to DWC 24 hours ago. Looking good. Washed the roots in phed water, stuck 'em in hydroton with the roots just barely above the water. Lots of bubbly moisture hitting em right now. They don't even seem shocked or anything. PPM just under 1100 and ph is steady around 6.0


Active Member
Yeah, one week after transplant looking good. Starting to show some nitrogen deficiencies on the lower foiliage i've up'ed the nutes for now but I figure I will have to bring them back down once i get the young ones in there. Due to space considerations I can only have the one system.


Well-Known Member
You could also try and hand apply full nutes with a small syringe or dropper of some sort. I dont know what the water level will come to, but if you can get the higher nutes in the medium above where they would be "washed out" so to speak, than your plants could feed on this perhaps. I do hand feedings to counter nute issues when I get crazy and plant to many diffrent things in my aero system. Beans, Matos, Basil, Dill and lettuce. What a
I still like to mix it up, but not to such an extreme. My beans sucked the life out of the nutes and starved the matos, but made the nute tank just right for the Basil, Dill and Lettuce. Oh and I had a zuke in there too but that damn thing wouldnt ever set fruit, just kept hogn up space, light, and flowering and flower dropping.. If I ever try them indoors again it will be Zuke only in the sys.
I hope this helps in some way.. I certainly suggest trying