Soil to Hydro


I have a friend who recently just accumulated a lot of cannabis from a grow (he says it was 14 ounces). Anyway, i saw a plant that he had grown in the past using the method and it the stalk on this plant was just about as thick as my wrist to say the least for its size and he kept stressing to me that hydro was the way he'd gotten such a monstrous amount. So i have a grow on the go now (couple of bag seeds about 1 month vegging now) and was wondering if i could change to hydro some how even tho i'm still using soil for the moment. Also if someone could attempt to explain the connection between the plant above and below the soil. My friend tried to explain the theory behind root space and the branches but i was smoking his shit at the time and was not in the mind zone for it at the time.



New Member
O2 levels in soil are dependent on two conditions, 1) pore space. 2)
water content.
Pore space effects O2 movement from the air through the soil and water
effects the amount of pore space the soil has. water saturated soil
contains no pore space thus free O2 is limited to that which is dissolved
into the water- and the plant can not move enough of this water to keep in
contact with water that is still O2 rich.

Hydro allows the plants roots to get more oxygen which boosts growth.
In general oxygen levels are like such: Aeroponics > Bubbleponics > Hydroponics > Soil
Many people oxygenate their reservoirs with air stones...I'm one of those people.


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who recently just accumulated a lot of cannabis from a grow (he says it was 14 ounces). Anyway, i saw a plant that he had grown in the past using the method and it the stalk on this plant was just about as thick as my wrist to say the least for its size and he kept stressing to me that hydro was the way he'd gotten such a monstrous amount. So i have a grow on the go now (couple of bag seeds about 1 month vegging now) and was wondering if i could change to hydro some how even tho i'm still using soil for the moment. Also if someone could attempt to explain the connection between the plant above and below the soil. My friend tried to explain the theory behind root space and the branches but i was smoking his shit at the time and was not in the mind zone for it at the time.

Dude, Hydro is the only way to go. So many are scared to get into it. Its not that hard to maintain once you understand whats going on. There are many different kinds of Hydro methods out there. If I were you I would look into the DWC bucket idea. Its basically a bucket with nutes and an air stone supplying your water/nutes with oxygenated water which makes your plants grow fast. I have grown soil plants for 10 years, and got into DWC Hydro a month ago, and because of ht eresults, I would never go back to soil. The comparison is amazing. IMHO, Do the hydro.. Its the only way to go!!! You can click on my link at the bottom of this post to look at my complete DWC Bucket grow in action. Hydro is kicking ass all over my soil grown plants. I'll post a picture of plants grown in Soil, and Plants grown in Hydro..By the way, they are at the same age, and using the exact same nutes.. You decide. The soil plants are the smaller ones in the back. And the answer to your other question, You can definetely transfer your soil grown plants to hydro. Good luck to you!!!

