Soil VS Hydro YIELD


i have a QUESTION. what is the expected yield when growing soil or hydro? assuming the grow is under optimal condition what can i expect from 2 light (2000w) grow? what is the yield difference between soil and hydro? i hear all kind of formulas like "1 lb. per light" or "1 gram per watt" (1000 grams = 2.2 lb per light...?) i am not a pro. but so far i never got even close to what people are talking about....
can somebody explain it to me? thankyou!
each strain will yield differently so that is a hard question to answer. but yes the general rule of thumb is 1 lb per light
The best of growers get roughly 1 gram per watt... If you're not a pro, I'd say anticipate .5g per watt...
SO if i get (which i never did) 0.5 grams per watt then i can expect 1,000 grams (or 2.2lb) from 2 lights? will there be any difference if i grow soil or hydro?
I thought I heard that they yield about the same but hydro vegs faster so you can get a more rapid perpetual harvest established. So a plant that would take 4 weeks of veg to reach 12" tall in hydro. In soil it would take 6 weeks to get the same height on the same plant under same growing conditions. So if you break it down in a yearly basis comparison of perpetual harvests; yes hydro yields more because more crops can be harvested per year compared to soil.

*Disclaimer* I am not an expert and am merely relaying information that I think I have heard at one time or another.