Soil what do u think

What soil would u use to fill a 4-5 feed deep hole in ur greenhouse

  • Marical Grill

  • Fox Farm

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Khronik kandy

Well-Known Member
So i have used fox farm ocean Forest potting soil but my Ace Hardware store is closer than my hydro store and has Miracle-Gro all purpose so what would u recommend for transplanting baby seedlings in to in da ground as ive dug up a 4 feet deep hole in my greenhouse or just in general what would you choose to fill a 4-5 feed deap hole in the greenhouse i just noticed it says for in ground use


Staff member
while you can grow with MG most people struggle with it.
its not the best for marijuana , quite frankly keep it for your outdoor plants like flowers.

the stress most growers have with it and its problems arent worth it

Khronik kandy

Well-Known Member
while you can grow with MG most people struggle with it.
its not the best for marijuana , quite frankly keep it for your outdoor plants like flowers.

the stress most growers have with it and its problems arent worth it
Hmm ok ok thanks for ur advice everything helps I guess that's why they don't have Fox Farm at Ace Hardware

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
You need to be thinking 4-5 feet wide, not deep when you are digging your holes. Using over 18-24 inches deep would be a waste of whatever soil you decide on. {and actually 3 foot wide would be a good starting point}


Well-Known Member
That MG Garden Soil is terrible! Someone gave me some once and I used it in my vegetable garden. I found out it has to be mixed with other soil and even then it is really bad. I love Happy Frog and Ocean Forest. I would rather make my own mix, but seldom have the time. I add quite a bit of perlite because I like to water!lol

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
I've used MG as a base soil, but added in bat guano and worm castings, had decent results with it.
At the end of the season I try to go around to all the local stores and buy up all the cheap potting soil they have left. Last fall I got 10 bags of Big Lots soil for $4.00 a bag. {about half price} And at one of the Dollar stores, I bought several bags at regular price, but they gave me an equal number that had been torn and taped up, so that was half price as well. When you are adding manure composts and what not, cheap soil can be used. I do use good stuff for starting seeds in. I have a friend who gets me bags of Metro Mix. I have never seen it in stores, but it's good stuff for the babies.