

Active Member
Ive decided That Im Going To Mix Up Some Good Shit & See What My Results Are...Ive Got Some Excellent Dirt That Already Has Composted Stuff Of All Sorts In It That My Wifes Dad Fixed Up For His Tomatoes...Also Ive Gathered Up Some Cow Patties To Mix In With It, Ive Also Got A Big Bag Of Miracle Grow Soil To Mix In As Well, Now From Experiece I Know The MC Will Burn The Small Plants Up But I Think If I Mix It To Make It Like 25% MC Then It Shouldnt Harm My Babies, But With That Mix I Think Ill Have Some Excellent Soil For Some Huge Trees Haha. Any Ideas Or Opinions For Soil Post Here, Im Lookin Forward To Experiment With Some More Mixes As Well.. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member sounds good but you have no idea what is in there. Marijuana is not tomatos. You're also wanting to throw MG into the mix.

Get some pro mix, worm castings, bat guano, and perlite and mix that up.


Active Member
The Dirt Was Regular Dirt With A Whole Bunch If Rotten Shit Composted In It....Such As Potatoe Peelings, Or Anything With Nutrients In It, His Fuckin Tomotoe Bushes Grow Into Fuckin Trees Dude...Lmao, MG Shouldnt Hurt It, I Just Figured That If I Cut It With THe Regular Dirt & The Cow Patty That Is Would End Up Being A Small Dose Of MG...Where Can I Find All These Ingrediants That Your Talking About?


Well-Known Member
i grow my weed with my tomatoes and use pretty much give them the same nutes. Sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a pretty rich mix already, I wouldn't bother with the MG just make sure it drains well and you should be good to go.


Active Member
Lol sorry about the caps its a bad habit..but yeah ive got some babies started in the soil so we will see what happens hopefully ill have some pics to post soon..


Active Member
Make sure you compost the manure or you could be causing your self some bad pathogen problems down the road. Cow manure is notorius for having pathogens in it non composted. No need for miracle grow and if drainage is a problem just add some perlite.


Active Member
I Planted About 20 sprouted seeds in outdoor regular dirt today, once they grow up to there second or third set of leaves i plan to transplant to a better spot & plant in bags buried with dirt..we will see how those come out as well, got some other ones i planted in the mix the day before, not much action yet but still growing a tad, will post some pics soon