Soiless Mix With Peat, Perlite and Verm.


Active Member
Hi guys. My last grow I feel wen't pretty terrible and I believe it is because i tried to go the organic route. I bought seasoil Mixed in some perlite and I started having burn problems so I would flush and flush and It seemed like the nute burn didn't really stop so I got to the point where I was afraid to add any kind of nutes at all.
End result being 36 grams off of 3 plants TERRIBLE I know.

So this time i was going to try three parts Peat 2 parts perlite and 2 parts vermiculite I'm wondering if this sounds okay and I'm wanting to add some dolomite lime as well but Im unsure of how much to add I have done some reading and I've come up with 3 tbsp per gallon of medium. Does this sound okay? anything else I should add to the soil. Is the vermiculite a bad Idea? is a soiless mix a bad Idea. thanks guys hoping to get a lot of feed back. Thanks boy!!!!!

Id like to add that I'm planning on being more aggressive with the nutes, now i at least will know whats in there


Well-Known Member
Id just get some promix. its got everything you need in a soiless mix. could use some dolomite lime and a splash more perlite but straight out of the bag its pretty good.

You will need nutrients of some kind.