soliders of guilt


Well-Known Member
i'm sitting here wondering the last few days, how can one enlist in the armed forces and feel good about fighting in this war of ours? i could see already being involved and going to "do your job". but in the last 2 years why would anyone want to enlist? are they not the fuel to this war machine? if people just stopped joining wouldn't this send a message? why are so many of our young so eager to kill for the name of "freedom"? free from what? were we really that much in danger? shouldn't our government not be the ones protecting us at home? why are our children still killing themselves?

YouTube - Slayer - Mandatory Suicide

:peace::peace::peace::peace: :peace::peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the recruiters at the high schools? I was in high school when 9/11 happened, and I was still there when we went to war.

Between 9/11 and the time the war was actually declared, we suddenly had a shit load of recruiters on campus. Every day. Sometimes not even with a booth or anything, sometimes just kickin it, talking to...whoever.

They were kinda cultish. I mean, they'd straight out punk people who said anything against the war. Someone made a comment about the recruiters being there, and they like ganged up on him and...just bullied this high school kid.

I dunno, I have a problem with them in there talking to kids. Especially if their feeding them bullshit. Everyone I know who enlisted said that their recruiter lied to them about SOMETHING.

And if they're in high schools, they're in there talking to kids as young as...14. I don't like the idea of kids being talked into dying in this....mess.

I mean, come on, the politicians know to keep their kids out of the armed forces. If the politicians don't trust their kids lives to the armed forces, why should anyone else?


Well-Known Member
my buddy joined the Navy because they told him he could "do a lot of fishing". he made it 2 weeks and was home. he tried to take his poles with him on check-in day and they all laughed at him. he said dude told him it was all cool. they said "welcome to the Navy".


Well-Known Member
I have also noticed this???Maybe if there was not so much media brainwashing BS going on,they would really see the truth of war....To be honest i think they even show more military commercials now:evil:


Well-Known Member
I can't really understand why anyone would enlist NOW. I know a lot of people who enlisted after 9/11, because they wanted to do something about what happened, and yeah, I can understand that.

And I have friends who enlisted after we declared war on Iraq, even some who didn't agree with going to war, but felt that it was their duty to fight for their country if we were at war. I can understand that too.

But...once it became apparent that we had been lied to, that the entire war was a fucking sham....I can't understand why someone would want to enlist after that. I couldn't enlist because to me, by enlisting you're supporting this bs war and all the lies that have been told to us since 9/11.


Well-Known Member
I have also noticed this???Maybe if there was not so much media brainwashing BS going on,they would really see the truth of war....To be honest i think they even show more military commercials now:evil:
The Army. Accelerate you life.

Accelerate: to hasten the occurrence of

They want to hasten your life.

Even they're slogan tells you you're gonna die.


Well-Known Member
It's one thing to fight for something, for a cause, or a goal that can be won, but just throwing lives away...for....whatever. I don't even know what. Because they don't matter I guess. Because the people who make the decisions are secure in the knowledge that their kids are safe.

I bet if their kids were over there, I bet if every one of them had at least one loved one over there somewhere very dangerous, every day, they would put a lot more effort into getting us out of there.


Well-Known Member
like was stated earlier a good portion of them lie because they are pressured to make the numbers or they can be transferred.. i was watching a documentary about this very subject and one of the recruiters hated his job because he knew what he was doing was wrong.

Top 10 Lies (Some) Recruiters Tell
Army Recruiters Face Investigation, Caught On Tape: Recruiters Seemingly Helping 'Prospect' Lie - CBS News
Military Recruiters Lie About Dangers In Iraq - Cincinnati News Story - WLWT Cincinnati

one of these douche bags tried to say there were like thousands of deaths in cincinatti and you had more of a chance of dying here than there considering over the entire course of the war we have only lost a couple thousand... haha douche

they are having a hard time recruiting now because nobody wants to go over there but they trick you in the beginning.. my girlfriends brother is about to go back for his 3rd or 4th tour and he only signed up for two years but then there is a two year period after your two years of active duty where you can be recalled at any time... and believe me they use it.. sure they might send 10,000 home this month but they will recall 20,000.. sick shit...

a big part of why kids used to do it was the lure of money.. just think about how many taxpayer dollars goes to bribing these kids to join, anywhere from 10-50k bonuses, college paid for free room and board.. they make it sound like summer camp...

shits pure evil if you ask me...



Well-Known Member
This is why they are enlisting. I know everyone out here thinks you don't make any money in the military, bs.
An 18 yo can walk into the recruiter office and get a STARTING job at 33,000.00
This doesn't include their health insurance they get. Not too many kids out of high school can make that kind of $$$. That is not the only thing, they get sign on bonuses. My husband was offered 30,000.00 sign on bonus, my nephew recieved 20,000.00
With our country being so fucked up it has made it impossible for our younger generation to go out and get a decent job with health insurance. The military offers that to our kids.
To tell you the truth when my nephew told me was enlisting to further his education and to get health insurance for himself and his wife and baby, how could I tell him it was the wrong thing to do? I couldn't.

They do have a lot to offer. Even for old guys, like my husband.:peace:


Well-Known Member
We don't look at it that way Fdd. We look at it as a meaning of survival.
My family was suffering. The economy is bad and we felt up against a wall.
My hubby, Rick, was a police officer for almost 15 yrs. He then opened up a computer
company hoping to make more money. He has always been a hard worker and a good
provider. Me, the same. I have being do all sorts of jobs and trying all kinds of new jobs in the attempt of making more $$ to put in the household. Rick and I have survived years doing this. Within the last 3 yrs it changed, and the jobs are not there anymore, and health insurance is a joke, totally non affordable. This is a way to get all those things we need to survive. I guess it is like, you do what you have to do.
All of us military folk don't look at this like, glory,honor, freedom....we look at it as a way of survival.


Well-Known Member
We don't look at it that way Fdd. We look at it as a meaning of survival.
My family was suffering. The economy is bad and we felt up against a wall.
My hubby, Rick, was a police officer for almost 15 yrs. He then opened up a computer
company hoping to make more money. He has always been a hard worker and a good
provider. Me, the same. I have being do all sorts of jobs and trying all kinds of new jobs in the attempt of making more $$ to put in the household. Rick and I have survived years doing this. Within the last 3 yrs it changed, and the jobs are not there anymore, and health insurance is a joke, totally non affordable. This is a way to get all those things we need to survive. I guess it is like, you do what you have to do.
All of us military folk don't look at this like, glory,honor, freedom....we look at it as a way of survival.

you lose everything the minute you leave though, correct? i know a lot of guys in there late 20's early 30's who are ex-military and unemployed.
what if you get hurt and can no longer serve? do you still receive monies?



Well-Known Member
If he is ever disabled yes we will be taken care of. If he is killed we will be taken care of.

We didn't lose anything. I am here in Florida, he is in Germany. I can fly for free to see him as I want. He gets to come home for a month a year. I could move to Germany and live with him. I have full health insurance, I get a monthly check for housing and food, plus his pay. After his year he can come state side and I can move with him. The only reason I am in Florida is cause I am stuck with a house we bought and now can't sell due to the market.

When he leaves the military he will leave as a certified diesel fueler, lol, we still laugh.
He can get a job with his certificates, he will be a step ahead. My hubby is 41 years old. He did this when he was 40. If he decides to stay in the military he can retire with a very nice pension. If he decides to leave he can leave with security clearances and certificates that will enable him to get good employment.


Well-Known Member
If he is ever disabled yes we will be taken care of. If he is killed we will be taken care of.

We didn't lose anything. I am here in Florida, he is in Germany. I can fly for free to see him as I want. He gets to come home for a month a year. I could move to Germany and live with him. I have full health insurance, I get a monthly check for housing and food, plus his pay. After his year he can come state side and I can move with him. The only reason I am in Florida is cause I am stuck with a house we bought and now can't sell due to the market.

When he leaves the military he will leave as a certified diesel fueler, lol, we still laugh.
He can get a job with his certificates, he will be a step ahead. My hubby is 41 years old. He did this when he was 40. If he decides to stay in the military he can retire with a very nice pension. If he decides to leave he can leave with security clearances and certificates that will enable him to get good employment.
lets just hope he doesn't have to kill anyone to get all this. :mrgreen::peace:

thank you for your insight and honesty. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lets just hope he doesn't have to kill anyone to get all this. :mrgreen::peace:

thank you for your insight and honesty. bongsmilie
I hope that everyday. I do believe it is a shame when an educated, morally correct individual that lives in a 'Free World' has to sign his life over to a country that is fucked up, all to obtain health insurance for his non insurable wife....that be me...
I do think anything he 'gets' he deserves, and I know this country is a lot better off with him in the military. He is a man that will do what he has to do to protect our freedom.


New Member
Haven't you been following the news reports about the soldiers coming home injured and the government is screwing them out of their benefits? They have to be rated at 100% disabled to received heath insurance. I saw a report about a soldier that lost part of his skull, they replaced that part and rated him at 90%. Now he as NO health insurance, nor does his wife and kids. He can't work but they won't pay him disability either. That's a fine fucking thank you to the guy now isn't it? He's totally fucked, can't earn any money, can't go to the doctor anymore, but hey, at least he's got those good service memories behind him.

My son talked to a Navy recruiter who turned into a total stalker for a good 6 months. This recruiter chased him down at the park at the basketball court, stalked him to a restaurant and was driving by our house all day long. I finally answered one of his calls and let him know in detail what stalking was and that he was not getting his hands on my son. He finally went away.

Here in small town BFE where I live it is the sheik thing to do, join the guard or the reserves. All these little preppy bitches go join because "they won't end up in Iraq, my daddy is the bank pres, that won't happen to me". I can't wait till they start shipping them off. Sorry but no one is immune.

It's sad really Iraq doesn't want us there, we don't want to be there, but we can't get away, it's like the fucking Hotel California.


Well-Known Member
The military has a lot of bs with it. Yes, we had to weed through a lot of it before he signed. I don't think by any means this is going to be an easy ride. I know it will not. I know for us, it works. When and if we encounter problems in the future, we will deal with it. Please don't get me wrong, I am not tooting the militarys horn....I am simply saying it does have its perks, and it can make a nice career. It is not for everyone.:peace:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My brother gets health insurance through them...I'll have to ask him the details...but basically he's a little loco from being over there,so they are taking care of it.Not that most folks in my family aren't already loco, it just exacerbated the problem for him.
you lose everything the minute you leave though, correct? i know a lot of guys in there late 20's early 30's who are ex-military and unemployed.
what if you get hurt and can no longer serve? do you still receive monies?
