SOME BOMB ;) 1st Grow White Widow & AUTO AK47


Active Member
Hey whats up haha i LOVE smokin bud :leaf::bigjoint::weed: Im growing some auto ak47 & white widow. The white widow is feminized and im hoping my auto ak47 is female. If its not I have some northern lights or some bag seed to replace it with. The bag seed I have is some real kill chronic, its a heavy harsh smoke strain. One hit will blow you through the wall. I believe it is some Citrus. Well Im in Day 3 of my grow. My ak47 is in the lead.

Im growing in my closet with CFL's. Nothing fancy, but it works.
I have my babies on a 18/6.
Miracle Grow Soil
Water. I dont plan on using nutes. Or Should I?:leaf:
A fan too keep the tempature a cool 79-80F

I just picked up some bud too, gonna show you some bud shots.

Grandaddy Purp :)
Hashberry Kush



Active Member
I have spent most of my day building a new environment for my plants. & I have succeded.

Underneath my tv, is a nice space for my plants. I lined the walls with foil and used a garbage bag for the bottom to reflect as much light as possible. I know that foil isnt the best, but ive seen ghetto grow rooms with it, so I think It will work just fine. I have 3 CFLS posted on the ceiling. I think this will be enough light. Can I start another plant? :leaf: I dont have a real efficient air venilation system going on. I just have a fan in there too keep it cool.

I plan on LSTing my plants. There on a 18/6 right now, but when my white widow gets to a size im happy with i will begin the 12/12.

With this growth space, considering these 2 plants are females, how much do you think i will yield off this grow? Im planning on a half oz from each plant, that would be awesome. Please help me and give me some pointers.



Active Member
Well I opened to check on how my plants were doing, and i noticed the tempature was hot. I decided to take off one of the door and lay a thin piece of plastic over the open space and I cut a hole for an exhsaust fan.

:leaf:Would it keep the tempatatures down if i used that for a intake instead of an outake?:leaf:

The wood is tooo thick to cut a fan hole with, i dont have any tools for such a task. For now this will work, and will keep my babies happy.



Active Member
Whats up guys, I have some updates on my seedlings.

They are doing real well. I transfered them into shorter wider pots.. i think they will do good in them since I am LSTing the hell out of them, if i need to i will transfer them out but you gotta let me know now!

I got hella organic soil from my friend. I know its some good shit cuz he grows tomato plants, and all that shit, hes a mexican lol. It kinda looks like mud but my white widow seems to be doing hella good in it.

I started my 12/12 light cycle since im growing in short grow space.

I also am germinating my :bigjoint::bigjoint::leaf::leaf::leaf:NORTHERN LIGHTS:leaf::leaf::leaf::bigjoint::bigjoint:

PRAY its a female. I LOVE that kind of bud. i love the stoned couch lock stoned out of your mind body high feeling, i think its the best feeling in the world, especially before sleep! Ima harvest it when all the trichomes are amber.

Actually, ima harvest my auto ak47 like that too, and with my white widow, ima harvest it 50/50 for a mix. FUCK im getting so excited about this i just hope there all females. im being positive :bigjoint:

Please give me some feedback!!!!!!:leaf::leaf:



Active Member
Plants are looking awesomee:bigjoint:

I just crashed out hella hard and woke up and smoked a jay ;)

I transfered them into pots that would be best for my growing condition, Im gonna be LSTing them to increase my yield.

My Northern Lights is still germinating.. grrr :wall:



Well-Known Member
Looking good dude! weird that the ak-47 has only half of the first serrated leaves actually serrated hehe.


Well-Known Member
Sure I've smoked it man, nice smoke :D but last years one plant is the only original one really, the ones I'm growing now are seeds I got from that one plant. Anyway, they grew real nice a little bit different from the mam but real nice and most of them were girls :) Have you tried yourself ?


Active Member
My boy that I buy bud of off has some, along with blue berry kush, and cherry kush but I haven't had his Durban yet I'm tryna grow some it lsou. I haven't seen my plants in days, I'm having my mom water them lol. I'm getting back into town later tonight so I'll definatley post pics. And I left my northern lights in a cup in my head board. I hope it cracked. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
nice grow bro. and that is funny that only half the leaf is serrated. Gotta love waking up and your baby girl has popped through the soil to say hello to the world.


Active Member
Just got home from being outa town for 2 days and my babies are doing good. I was shocked too see how much they grew. My white widow is looking really healthy, and im fallin in love<3 lol and my ak47 is doing good, but i gotta admit the WW is sexier :bigjoint:

My Northern Lights has still not Germinated. :wall: Seriously like wtf! its been a week. Im giving it a couple more days. I put in a napkin, ran warm water thru it, put it in a ziplock bag and then put it on top of my reciever so it stays warm.




Active Member
the new set up for germination process of my northern lights is a success. :bigjoint:

I planted it today in a small cup and put a cfl 2 inches above it.

My plants are doing good. I will post updates soon.:leaf:


Active Member
Well, I went to home depot today, and got some MG soil, MG Nute packets, and More CFL's ( 60 watt), and i decided to transplant my NL to a bigger pot with bomb soil. In the process, I lost the seed, and when I found it, which was about 2 hours later, the tap root has broken off.

A moment of silence

So I have started to germinate some bag seed I got with some bomby dank, i think it was called citrus. Too bad man, i was really looking forward to some Northern Lights bud, well ill do my next grow on it fersure. For now, AK-47, White Widow, and Citrus is what Im working with.

I will post pics of my plants tommarow, so you can see noticable growth.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about the NL dude, it's always a pity to lost one seed, but those things happen. It's a good collection of three you've got there and they seem to be growing well ;)
That's really a shame man. The other strains are still gonna be Stick Ickkkky though! excited to see how your Auto Ak does, i'm trying to do something similar.


Active Member
While I was watering my plants last night, i noticed a small ass hair on my auto ak47, I coudnt tell if it was a pistol or upcoming leaf. Well today, I looked at her a bit more closely. Im about 90% sure that this is a pistol, but Im going to take it from all you experts.

My WW is doing really well, I will post pics of it in another update tommarow or something, so you can see noticable growth.

SO, IS MY AUTO AK47 A FEMALE? :bigjoint::leaf:

