some clones are pinkish/purple where i made the final cut on the stem and no roots

I am using rockwool cubes between a 5.5 to a 5.9 ph level. I used half tap water half r/o water and I added 5 drops per gallon of superthrive to the water. I shook out all the water until the rockwool felt very damp and no more water would shake out. I put the clones into a dome, sprayed the dome, then taped up the dome completely. 5 days later I opened the dome and noticed some of the cuts on the outside had browning on the leaves where they were touching the dome and some had died. the ones that had slight browining on the leaves I pulled out or cut off the dead plant matter. On a couple random cuts I pulled them out of the rockwool and noticed the stem where I made the cut had turned a reddish/pinkish color and I am not sure if that is a good or bad sign. I am cloning Blue Dream 09 and Strawberry Diesel. I heard that some sativa strains can take up to three weeks to root. Can my fellow growers with experience help me out and describe what I am seeing and what I can do (or not do) to them. Should I wait another 3-4 days until I should be worried? My clones are on days 4 to 6. I plan on adding GH rapid start in 3 to 4 days


Well-Known Member
leaves die on clones at times, does not mean the cutting is dead, the clone is dead if its not standing up. Purple and pinking is normal its because your forcing a cut limb to grow roots, as long as your entire plant is not purple you should be cool. If I were you I would go with clonex cloning solution, way more bad ass, add 150ml to 15gal, ph 5.8, BAAM! Clone magic, I actually built my cloner from scratch and I have a 100% success rate!!
I am using clonex rooting gel and Jellyfish Mychorrizae. I would never be confident in cloning without clones and a beneficial powder
I know some people dont even use beneficials. I have gotten roots either way. When I use a bacteria The roots always look thicker with alot of fuzz on them compared to a more stringy and solid looking root formation without them