Some flowers are starting to fall and wither away at bottom of the plant


New Member
Hi im started to go into 12/12 and i noticed that my plant at the very bottom of the plant that some flowers are dying out and withering away. I mean my growing enviroment is a 42 inch grow closet and i mean its not very wide but im just starting off. I mean why at the very bottom the pants are dying and their coming off very easily. Is it not enough light, the temp, the humidity. Can someone please tell me the problem.


Well-Known Member
Leaves will die off and fall off on their own as the plant uses them up and no longer needs them.. If they are yellowing and not falling off that would be nitrogen defs. If you are just starting 12/12 you wouldn't have flowers yet. Just nodes, branches and tops.


Well-Known Member
Leaves will die off and fall off on their own as the plant uses them up and no longer needs them.. If they are yellowing and not falling off that would be nitrogen defs. If you are just starting 12/12 you wouldn't have flowers yet. Just nodes, branches and tops.
What he said :lol:


Well-Known Member
When it starts to flower, you will see little white 'hairs' or pistils starting at the nodes of branches. If your not sure, wait a few more days and youll definitaly see a difference. Youll see an increase in growth, lots of new brighter green growth. Flush it with some clear ph'd water, bout 30% runoff is enough, then hit it with a half dose of flowering nutes. Make sure its in for the FULL 12 hours of dark with NO light leaks. Are the seeds feminized? are you sure its female? Whats the strain?
btw humidity is a factor in growing, but not a major one and unless its like 10% or 90% it shouldnt really make alot of difference.